Met with my editor friend last night in the back of a quiant little Irish Pub not far from my apartment. They have a nice beer garden in the back and we utilized it to the fullest with a couple of Guiness' and some stoggies. We talked about some ideas for upcoming articles in the free press paper he's put together. There were some good ideas, but I'm still a tad worried that the paper is going into a very similar direction that The Onion already has. I keep stressing that we can be funny in our own way with real stories that have a funny spin on them rather than farce articles. But, he's flippin the bills and this is his dream, so into the abyss we go again.
After he feigned not feeling well so he could leave early without me calling him a wouse, I took my stoggie back to my appartment, grabbged a beer, went out to the back parking lot that has a realitivley decent view of the lakefront, pulled out my folding chair out of my trunk and sat and enjoyed the Summerfest's Big Bang fireworks show. It was a beautiful evening with a couple beers, a couple stoggies and some fireworks. Great night.
Starting today I'm on vacation through the 11th of July and I'll be taking a few trips to Summerfest which is a hop, skip, jump and drunken tumble from my apartment. There are four acts I want to see that I think I've mentioned before. David Lee Roth, Styx, Skid Row and Beatallica. Call me an old timer, but I liked Rock'N'Roll when it actually rocked and there weren't 50 crappy bands that were competing to be the next Nirvana, Pearl Jam or Green Day. While I'm there I'll hopefully meet up with an old tech school buddy of mine who we used to call, Iran. It'll be good to see him as he's always got a good laugh and sense of humor about things.
I'll also be partaking in a 3rd of July cookout where hopefully the laughter will flow as freely as the beer while many airborne projectiles, both flamitory and alternativly powered, will fill the skies like red hot death. Speaking of beer and red hot death, I thik I'm gunna log off of here and start my vacation properly and grab a frosty one or two and then light myself on fire.
Take care,
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