Guess who spent more than he should have at the ol' comic book shop down the street. I tried to be a good boy, but I found a few compiled trade paperbacks I wanted to catch up on. I got two more "John Constintine: Hellblazer" books and one "Astro City " colection. Constintine I've explained before, but Astro City is a comic about what life would be like if groups of superheros really did exist. The city in itself is just as much of a character as the superheros themselves. It's written incredibley well by Kurt Busiek and I would suggest you pick up the trade paperbacks, "Life in the Big City", "Confession" and "Family Album". Haven't read "Family Album" yet. But, I would swear by the others. It's kind of in the same vain as Alan Moore's, "Watchman", but nowhere near as critically aclaimed and not as epic and dense. Still, a very good read!
The Constantine books aren't quite as good as when Garth Ennis wrote them, but I gotta admit, they're still pretty darn entertaining. As long as they don't have him meeting up with the original Robin Hood and dancing around with faries (as they tried to after Enis left the book) they should be ok.
What else? Ah. I probably should start writing out the next "Call of Cthulhu" RPG that I run and set a date for it. Quickly, "Call of Cthulhu" is a role playing game that takes place in the 1920's and is strongly based on the horror wrttings of H.P. Lovecraft. Not only do players lose health (hit points), but they also lose their sanity (sanity points) which can lead to some real fun. Lovecraft wrote a lot about ancient, forgotten gods that still have power over certain cult groups. Get involved with a lot of the ancient majic, you slowly start to lose your mind. The game is to be played with the context that your character is either going to die or go insane. So in most games players should not get to attached to their characters. However, I'm too nice of a game master (GM) to give the players too much geif. So, I let them slide by quite a bit. Most who've stayed in my game, still have the same character they started out with 2 years ago. Maybe a little less mentally stable, but no worse for the ware.
Anything else? Well, I should also start my next article for that free press paper. The next column will be a starters guide to Role Playing Games. Of course, it will be all in jest.
In a quick note, I did get to see the local air show since my appartment is located in a prime spot! I got to see the Blue Angels fly over the building more than a few time. Very frellin' loud and very cool. I also got to see the Red Baron team to some formations also.
That's it for now. Stayed tuned for more mindless geekosity being bazooka vomited in your direction at a rapid, high velocity rate, right here!
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