You all know that I just had to do a blog on last night's series finale of "Average Joe". Well, FINALLY the Average Joe gets picked and the dolt of a pretty boy (Someone named Rocky) get tossed to the wolves. I hate to be such a bastage, but I was weak last night and did get some sadistic glee when he weeped by himself in the jeep taking him away. Once in a very blue moon karma comes back to ya. And after admitting that he had been unfaithful to more than one ex-girlfriend, his past caught up with him and he got what he had commin' served to him on a big assed "no sympathy for the pretty boy / model / actor" platter. Bwahahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Aaaaahahahahahah! (I'm a sad, sick, odd little man.)
Actually Anna (the "Beauty" of the show) didn't REALLY hook up with Nathan (the "Average Joe"). She pulled the ol' "Let's be friends before we get serious" safety net so that she could probably fly the coop once she met some new, shallow, rich, pretty boy cretin. Ahhh... there's nothin' like a well scripted" reality show" to mind-frell me. Looks like this was it for Average Joe as they did a quick review of the past three seasons with a big, "Thanks and good bye" at the end. Thus, the trilogy is finally complete. Good has triumphed over evil (somewhat) and all is good with the world once again.
In other news, I'm just a few short hours away from meeting Bruce Campbell, start of short lived western TV series "Brisco County Jr." and the "Evil Dead" movies. Here's my plan......
theworldtogetherandgotoconventions togetherandhe'llintoducemetobeautifulactress'
thathecostarswithandI'llgetmarriedtooneofthemand liveoffofherincomeandBrucewillbemybestmanatmywedding!
Then will come more restaining orders. Isn't that how it always ends? Isn't it? (sound of cricket's chirping)
Well, I gotta go now. I'll let you know how tonight's festivities end up.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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