I have much sympathy for many of my Trekkie friends out there today. The Sci-Fi world has lost a great comrade. James "Scotty" Doohan, head engineer of the starship Enterprise, from the original Star Trek television series passed away this morning at the age of 85 after a bout with pneumonia. He also suffered from complications due to diabetes and alzheimers disease.
I had the pleasure to see Mr. Doohan about 12 years ago at the same Gen Con that Mark (Luke Skywalker) Hamill attended. I remember that he was a bit late for his scheduled Q&A appearance in this huge ballroom, when suddenly we all hear these bagpipes off in the distance. They grew louder and louder. And suddenly through the main doors walked Mr. Doohan flanked by two bagpipe players in full Scottish garb. Very cool entrance. He seemed like a very sweet and wonderful man. The Con / Sci-Fi / fantasy fans shall all miss him very much.
In other news, that bastage Carson got booted off "Average Joe" last night! Justice is served! (This is the point where you readers will roll your eyes and think to yourselves "Jeeezuz Jeehosaphat Brown!! Is Zangz ever going to get off this soapbox? Is he ever going to realize that this is all scripted?). I don't care. Here in my blog, it's a moot point. I just want to take this time and do a mocking happy dance that Carson the bastage is off the show. Hehehehehehe.......... bastage!
Hey, I heard a MAJOR spoiler that takes place from the new Harry Potter book. Wanna hear it? You do? Well, here it is (highlight to read if you want to go down that path).....
Word on the street is that Dumbldore gets wacked by Snape! Dumbledore is dead as a doornail. Kicks the bucket. Is bleedin' demised. Has gone the way of Scotty. Has ate his last crumpet. Has bought the magical farm. Is no more. Dumbledore, dead at age..... whateverthehellagehewas. Scotty and Dumbledore within the same week. In the infamous words of one of my favorite bands, Type O Negative, "Everybody Dies"
Well, I'm off for a free viewing of the Scarlet Johanson, Ewan McGreggor sci-fi thriller "The Island". So I'll see ya when I see ya.
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