Drats. My vacation is over and I'm back to the grind (and not the good kind). One good thing is that I ended my vacation Sunday night with a great family cookout that included some good beers, a cigar or three and a real beautiful evening outside. It was the perfect capper to a real nice vacation.
Speaking of cigars, I just got on a mailing list for a catalog that has some real sweet deals. Hopefully they'll have me taken care of through the rest of the summer if I end up ordering from them. I'm also hoping that we'll have some nice weather on into October so that I may enjoy them well into the rest of the year. I used to have about three to five every summer. This year it became a habit of leisure and I'm well over the 20 stoggie mark. Hey, if some of my friends can smoke away on cancer sticks, let me have a good puff or seven on a nice, big, fat juicy stink log (the good kind!!!!!). They're good to celebrate with!
Speaking of celebrating, Zangz's Blog of Geekdom now has 4 constant readers! They are Carlo, Aaron, MaMa Schu, and Goof. So this site isn't being ignored by everybody on the planet, there are four people who seem to get a sadistic joy out of the mindless crap that I poop into the void that is the world wide web! So that's kinda cool!
Just bought the "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" on DVD and found that I enjoyed it even better than the time I saw it in the theater. Can't wait to get into all the extras on the thing. I'm especailly looking forward to what Johnny Depp has to say. That motha trucker can act his butt off! I remember not being able to stand him back when he was a teenage heart throb. He was everywhere in every newspaper and magazine. You couldn't escape him, all because he was good looking. Then came along the movie "Edward Scisorhands" and my perspective of him changed 180 degrees. Now I can't wait to see what he's going to pop up as on the silver screen next. And I really can't wait for the sequel, ".... Dead Man's Chest" with Bill Nighy as Davey Jones.
Been trying to puke out this article on some concerts at Summerfest for the free press paper I contribute to, but I keep getting distracted and wind up dorkin' around, like writing this blog. Looks like it'll have to be an all nighter tomorrow night.
Well, "Average Joe: The Joes Strike Back" is on and I gotta go and root for The Joe's to win over the metrosexual neanderthals. Talk to the four of you latter.
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