Well, last night I rocked out to Styx at Summerfest. They still got it, even if there are only two original members. If I wanted to get real technical there's only one original member form its first inception. But they were still a good show and still retained the energy of when they were at the crest of their popularity back in their arena rock days. Tommy Shaw does not age! Who's blood does that little guy bathe in anyway?
So latley there's been murmers in the press that geek culture is at its peak and that we geeks are slowly becoming part of the norm, as viewed here in this Florida newspaper aticle... http://www.floridatoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050705/LIFE/507050303/1005.(Sorry, but I'm working on my cruddy home computer, not one that doesn't seem to have the problems with certain webscripts. Otherwise I'd link it for you. Copy and paste it in your browser for now.)
Don't know if I completley buy this concept yet. It's mentioned in the article on how there are a couple reality shows with geeks being hooked up with beautiful women (as I've pointed out on earlier blogs). The day I see visually stuning women picking geeks over yuppies and jocks, I may belive it. But, right now I feel it's more of a trend than anything else. You see a populace of the counter culture trying to buy into the geek vibe alla bands Weezer and American Hi Fi. Yet, I don't feel any more accepted by society than I did when I was getting the crap pounded out of me in grade school for being more into what type of droid C3-PO was ( he's a protocal droid) than memorizing the starting line up to the '78 Pittsburg Pirates. We'll see where all of this leads.
I also just learned that Ep.III will be out in the stores on DVD NOVEMBER 8TH!!!! Just in time for Xmas. So make sure you all mark your calendars for that day and pick up a copy. Now to find out when "Batman: Begins" and "Sin City" come out. Then my years DVD purchases will be complete!
Mom's back from Greece and I'm completely finished animal sitting now. I hope she brought back something good for me since I was the one who did most of the caring while my sister visited them once!
Well, I'm still on vacation, so it's off for some lunch and then an afternoon of video gaming. Talks to ya later!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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