It's Wednesday! You know what that means. It's another edition of "Zangz whines about last night's episode of 'Average Joe' again". We'll my first complaint is that this season has seemed to be quite abbreviated compared to the last two seasons. They started out with 20 some odd guys and already the beauty has voted them down to two contestants in like 3 episodes. How cheap is that? It's like a pocket sized reality show. The finale is tonight, I think, and again she has to choose between a really smart, down to earth, nice guy and a pretty boy (model/actor) who has the IQ and personality of toe jam. If this "season" goes the same direction the last two have, she'll be flying off into the sunset with Mr. Jam leaving the decent guy behind and rejected. Such is life.
In other craptastic news, certain city officials caved in to local businessmen and voted down a huge entertainment complex that was to be built in our downtown area that would have included a House of Blues and a huge video game complex along with some restaurants, movie theaters and other perks to bring people and money back down to the downtown area. Not to mention the boatload of jobs it would have opened up.
Every time this town has a chance to leap forward out of its "podunk" image, there are always city officials who frell it all up. Thirty some years ago this town indeed WAS as podunk as you could get. Nobody came to Milwaukee to visit unless they had to. The downtown area was dirty and run down with a few old stores to go to, but little else. Starting in the early 80's this city started to see a revitalization and very slowly but surely, it became a city that I'm pretty darn proud to live in. But, local politicians are always forcing us to take teeny tiny baby steps to get there. In the long run, they aren't helping our city at all! There's supposed to be a VIDEOGAME COMPLEX, fer crissakes!!!!
Anyway, the good news is that tomorrow night Bruce Campbell will be in town for his book signing and movie screening. So that's something to look forward to, and I'll be sure to let you all know how it went.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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