I know it's a quickie blog for today, but I couldn't really call this a Blog of Geekdom unless I mentioned the release of the latest Harry Potter novel. "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" floated onto the bookstore shelves at midnight last night, creating a frenzy of both children and adult readers. I know of one person who went down to the local library to get their reserve copy last night. Apparently, the library went all out for this event. They had people dressed as wizards, live owls on display, magicians. The works. This is an extremely exciting time to the hadcore Hogwarts-heads.
I've never really gotten into Harry Potter as much as many of my geek brethren have. I saw the first movie and thought it was cute and fun. Then a year later I read the first book and thought it was cute and fun. Saw the second and third movies and thought they were both cute and fun. That's about it. I feel that if I were a lot younger I'd be totally into them 100%. But, my childhood hero's were Scooby-Doo, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and the rock group KISS. That was quite a while back.
But, what I can relate to is a lot of the frustration Harry Potter fans are plagued with from the puritanical, religious zelots' attacks on the books. Even our new Gestapo pope has made the ridicules claim that the books pull kids away from Christian values. Does he mean like, homophobia, or bilking thousands of people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars with televangalists, or some poor alter boy having a private session with Father McBadtouch?
In other zelot's complaining news, the good "liberal" Democratic senator, Hillary Clinton is beotching and whimpering about the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Apparently there's a cheat code on there that allows you to download a scene in which the lead character, shall we say, "gets lucky ". Of course, leave it to the bastion of moral fiber, Hillary "I'm not at all from New York state, but I used my husband's power to get my fat behind a seat in the senate" Clinton to wax poetic on what is morally wrong with society and try and censor video games. If you want to really worry about the moral fiber of this country, look no further than watching these frellin' reality shows (that admittedly, I'm addicted to) where they glorify stabbing each other in the back, treating each other like dirt, walking all over others to achieve their own goals and that money and looks are all that matter. This country has made the likes of socialite-skeeze, Paris Hilton a huge celebrity, and Hillary "I could have helped the feminist movment move forward by leaving my cheating husband, but settled on using his power fuel my career into the senate instead" Clinton is worried about an ADULT video game getting into the hands of kids? It's an ADULT video game for ADULTS. The only reason kids play it is because parents aren't paying attention to what their kids are doing. This is usually when the government comes in and plays the role of fascists. Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a carpetbagger ( That's carpet-BAGGER, CARPETBAGGER! I'm being a good boy.)
Well, I gotta go walk a dog and feed some cats.
Ya know, I started reading Harry Potter SOLELY because i'd heard it was being banned. like it so much I've kept up with it. My wife and I went down to the bookstore at midnight ( we were customer #436) and bought the book.
ReplyDeleteEven the grocery stores have it here in DC. and many of the bookstores (even the big ones) have sold out!
Ah well, its been a good read so far.
Please tell me you both wore glasses and pointy hats to the store!!!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. For those just stopping by, Geoff is the only one who responds to the blogs. He has two posts up now and is beating all of you harshly in the Zangz's Appreciation Soceity!