Before I do anything else I gotta do a tad of gripping for a sec. What brainiac thought it would be a good idea to plunk a pro bicycle race in the middle of a main street here in town? I'm over at my mom's to feed her cats (Yep. Got hornswaggled into doing that again this weekend) and I find half the roads closed and about 5 to 6 different traffic jams on the small neighborhood streets due to this silly idea to clog up the entire neighborhood so a bunch of yuppie, Lance Armstrong wannabes can frell up the streets during rush hour. Grrrrr.....
"What is Zangz reading?", you may ask (ADD? Why do you ask?). I'm reading two books right now. I'm still getting through Neil Gaimen's, "American Gods" which is a fictional epic look at what happens to ancient gods from other lands when we reach modern times. A good read, but it'll take me most of the summer to complete. I'm over the halfway mark now. I'm also reading the newest James Bond novel, "Silverfin" by Brittish comeidic actor / writer Charlie Higgson. Since the whole James Bond dynasty is trying to be aimed more at the kiddies rather than us adults now, they decided to give a young James Bond the Harry Potter treatment and have dumbed him down considerably. Once I'm done with each of the books, I'll give my thoughts. Don't hold your breath. It'll take a bit.
On to something else now. Since I'm so obsessed over the crapfest reality show "Average Joe", I was thingking about bullies I've encountered in my early years, and came accross this website...
Keep in mind that I'm very glad that someone in our Government is finally doing something about these dren-heads, but after perusing the site I felt that it was (to quote Miss Benatar) "a little to little, a little to late". It reads like a kiddie book and is slightly unrealistic in it's beleifs. Having had many, many incedents with bullies in my lifetime (and I mean the kid who shoved my face into the blacktop to the jealous boyfriend who slammed my head into his car door to the drunken idoit who pushed me in the baroom) I know frellin' well that these bullies only understand one thing and that's a red hot screwdriver being driven into their cornia.
Ok, Maybe that was a bit psychotic. But, a lot of these bullies speak and understand one language... violence. Think about this for a second, the entire country didn't give two rips about the problem of bullies until the horrorific events unfolded at Columbine High School. Thousands of years of humans have come and gone and it took two nutters to be bullied enough to be driven to do something unspeakable before anyone said to themselves, "...well, after the fact that little Nathan keeps getting black eyes from Spike and his in-crowd buddies, pehaps we should do somehting." is kinda weak.
In the end, I think there should be more leagaly at risk for those doing the bullying than a vebal warning from some weak principal. Though, I appreciate that people are finally recognizing that there's a real problem, I'm wondering if it's enough.
In other news, tonight I'm going to Bastille Days to see my friend Ellen sing. She's singing at a stage that's sponsering an event called "Chick Singer Night". Since she's a local singer, she gets to sign along with other local female musicians in a showcase of female local talent. This is a very cool idea for the local femme music scene for spreading publicity!!! Bastille Days is basicly a French themed street festival held in the East Town district of the city. The fest is usually highlighted by great pastrie, a "storming of the bastille" run, a few stages of entertainment, a smaller replica of the Eiffle Tower, fireworks and people waving white flags like there was no tomorrow. Ok, that last bit was quite jingoistic and uncalled for. I'll openly appologize at the frog leg eating contest latter on.
I gotta eat. Later...
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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