Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Venturing into the podcasting world... again.

Out of the gate, I'd be quite remiss in not saying to you all....


Here's hoping that this year exceeds the happiness that you experienced last year!

On to it...

Several years ago I had my own podcast in conjunction with this blog that was called, Zangz's Pod of Geekdom.  Many of the old episodes can be found at iTunes, right HERE.

I had a lot of fun doing it and was lucky enough to know someone with the technical prowess to help me out and give me a place on the net.  If you listen through the episodes you'll notice that my podcast is a good example of how a podcast sounds in its infancy and grows to sound more professional.

Why did it come to an end?  I let my insecurities get the best of me.  I started out the first several shows with just myself on the mic, droning on about whatever topic I picked.  Although these were produced just fine, I cringed at hearing myself babble with my god awful, non-broadcast friendly voice.

I was able to con friends into coming on my show and have interviews and round table discussions about various geeky subjects.  I think that these shows were the Pod of Geekdom's pinnacle in entertainment (especially the Star Wars 30th Anniversary Shows).  It was at this point the producer of the show lent me his digital microphone so I could record shows on my own.

After a while, trying to get friends to come on the show proved futile since most of them had families to take care of and busy lives.  I really didn't want to carry on as a solo act since I sounded horrible when it was just me.  Also, trying the upload the show so my producer could edit it also proved a great  dilemma as technology hates me and bandwidth and internet issues plagued me.

Admittedly, I let the show fall to the wayside and it slowly died out.  Looking back, I cringe at letting that happen.  Now hundreds of thousands of geeky podcasts are all over the web.  Would mine still be relevant in this day in age where all a kid needs is some programs on his or her computer and a microphone?  Would it even compete with the podcasts that are out there today?  I don't know and will never find out.  My own fault!

Since then I have always had this pipe dream to get back into it in one capacity or another.  As luck would have it, my friend, Spanky (who was a guest on my show a few times) has created his own "media empire" through his side company Counterfeit Press LLC and has created his own pod cast.

I am one of the three guest hosts (made up of Spanky, Ken Benobie and myself, Zangz (AKA: Jedi John... but, I may try and see if I can change that to Jedi Johnny Boy.) of The Counterfeit Press Podcast.  It's brand spankin' new and we have posted our first show and just recorded our second.  We're still awaiting approval from iTunes and hope it will be there soon so that you will be able to check us out there.

In the meantime you can download us at the Counterfeit Press website RIGHT HERE.  It's the website that has the cool and cute robots on it.  Not as cool as the robots that will be in Pacific Rim or as cute as the T-1000 models portrayed by Shirley Manson and Summer Glau, but cool and cute just the same.

The show is based off of pop culture happenings, geeky interests, and Ken's unhealthy and unnatural love for Selina Gomez.  But don't let that distract you.  Download us and check us out, won't you please?

That's it for now kids.  Stay Vertical!
