Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Mainlining Skyrim

I'm not done with this blogging business yet.  In fact, I have many ideas for future posts that have been rattling around in my noggin for quite some time.

The problem with posting this year has been two fold.  The first issue I have brought up in the past.  Although I live in a part of the United States that is very susceptible to horrifically cold and nasty winters, I'm pretty sure most of the country wasn't expecting quite the blast we've been getting.

And as I had warned, the winter months usually suck all of my creative juices clear out of me and leave me in a small state of seasonal effective disorder.  This year in particular, I've felt like doing hardly anything except one activity for hours on end.

The second issue is the aforementioned activity.  I've rediscovered the wonders of the Bethesda Software epic, Skyrim on my Xbox360, which I've been replaying during these winter months every last waking second I've had free time.  Hunkering down, huddled on my couch, keeping warm by playing an open world fantasy video game that takes place in a snow covered wonderland replete with its blinding snowstorms and bone chilling wind sound effects may seem redundant and a very misdirected way to escape from myself these winter months of 2014.  But, boy howdy! It is still fun as FRAK!

Having recently acquired the "Legendary" version of the game that includes all of the additional content (Hearthfire, Dragonborn, Dawnguard) as well as a bunch of bug fixes, I decided to put aside the game and character I've played since the game was released in 2011 and start somewhat anew.

My original character, daftly named Zangz (what else?) has been quasi-retired and replaced with a Dark Elf assasin, fighter named Amaroth.  I'm putting all of the sneak, archery and lock picking skills into this guy instead of the heavy armor fighting skills I wasted on Zangz.

Although I played through much of game the last go around, I'm finding that this run through still feels new and exciting.  Not only has the Hearthfire add on content giving me a huge home to design for my character's new lair, it also drives me to collect new items that I wasn't before.  Items that allow me to build on to the home and decorate rooms with all the swords and weaponry that are infused with magic.

I've only started a few of the quests in the Dawnguard add on that involves joining a group of vampire hunters.  But, so far it's pretty compelling.  I've hardly scraped the surface in the Dragonborn quest manifesting itself with a bunch of creepy, cultist assassins coming after me for no apparent reason.  It wasn't until after I pried a mysterious note off of their corpses (see, never try to assassinate an assassin who's more skilled than you) that I realized that someone had ordered them to come after my character. This note will eventually lead me to a whole other island with tons of quests to conquer and sites to explore.

So it looks like I'll be busy for a while.

In the meantime, I'd likeyou to take a look at just how massive the game Skyrim is and how much thought the developers put into it with this group of fun references and easter eggs that has been put into the game.

YouTube - EGIundivided

And that will be it for now.  Please check back again.  Hopefully it will not be over three months before I post again.
