Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Pound!: Something that can be done with both beer and sand.

Another hectic work week gone for good. We now have a couple of days reprieve before the shat-storm of a new work week punches us in the the stomach, then stomps on our head as we're down on the ground, then spits on our bruised body that is lying in a gutter. Perhaps your work week wasn't as disappointment filled mine. In any case, lets seize these couple of days and enjoy ourselves to the fullest!!!!

And what better way to start it all off than a good ol' blog from myself. So let's all get this over with so the imbibing can begin!

My friend, Carlo, will be arriving back home from serving our country in the Middle East. So it's great to have him back. There will be a nice big bash for him in a few weeks that I'm going to try and go to. There may be some dog sitting issues I have to deal with at that time. Which leads me to my next subject.

Guess who gets to look after my sister's menagerie while her and my brother in law are driving out to D.C? Yep, Uncle Zangz will be partying it up with a couple of lively dogs, Frodo and Pipen and a bit of a snobby, yet adorable cat, Molly. Perhaps I'll take them to the party. Hope Carlo has enough beer for all of us.

Why do we geeks think Chloe, the anal-retentive computer specialist on "24" is hot? Click HERE and wonder no more, foolish mortals!

Mr. Salty came up to me this week and expressed his slight displeasure at me for "spoiling" a recent major plot twist that took place on Battlestar Gallactica in a previous blog. I would like to take this time to formally apologize to Mr. Salty and the other readers of this blog who've had their heads firmly planted in the sand for the last month and obviously are quite clueless to what's happening in the show. I think I get to watch, maybe, 4 episodes a season and even I know what happened. Jeeze. Ya know what you can all do with that sand your heads been in... GO POUND IT!!!! Now you got me all salty.

I finished the game Prey right before it was due back at the rental place. I strongly advise you FPS fans who have the '360 to check this little under-the-radar gem out. I found it quite engrossing, eye candy for the next gen, and one heck of a detailed game. Plus it wasn't one of those pansy, single player modes. It appears they put as much time and effort into the single player game as they did the multi-player. It actually takes more than an afternoon to get through the game! There's a decent story involved also.

I've also been playing a little of the game Crackdown when I go over to Roberto DelAmorte's abode. I think I may pick this one up soon. I could give a flying leap about the Halo 3 beta that comes with it. Crackdown, itself, has enough open sandbox gaming to keep me happy as a clam for quite some time! The open world could be a heck of a lot bigger, but the gameplay is very addictive.

Zangz's Pod of Geekdom has expanded by a bit of a leap and maybe a half of a bound. If you listened to the last 'cast you'll notice how considerably clearer and more "professional" it is. My producer/technician, a man we'll call "Double A", got hold of some very nice recording equipment. On top of all of that we now have a decent place to record. It's a true lair of geekdom, a secret hidden place where I can truly plot and plan a worldwide take over.

Honestly, podcasting is the one medium where freedom of speech still fully exists. I think that right now is the time to either participate or listen to it. There's something out there for everybody. I tell you that now is the time, before the government and corporate greed take it over as they've done with all other media outlets. So support you local podcasters, won't you? It's one of the true last bastions of freedom of speech and expression.

Tomorrow will be loaded with Star Wars gaming, food, beer, Star Wars gaming, good conversation and Star Wars gaming. I'm sure our gamemaster, Mad Mario has some sneaky tricks up his sleeve. I'm looking forward to see what he's cooked up.

And speaking of gaming, Roberto Del Amorte is threatening to break out the ol' Bureau13: Stalking the Night Fantastic game and run a few. Cool. Let's hope he can put it together a lot sooner than our friend Trish has come up with a D&D game (or myself with a CoC game...doh!)

Ok, well that brings another glorious Blog of Geekdom to a close. Until next time, go pound it!


Monday, March 26, 2007

Check out this AWESOME PODCAST!!!!

Yep. I just popped in briefly here to shill my podcast, 'cause we have another beauty up. You can find it right HERE!

This time it's the second part on the subject of Role Playing Games. Not only does my gamemaster, Mad Mario, join us, but so does his lovely wife, Hope. I think this one is one of my favorites. So check it out!

Other notes? Not a lot. Like I said , I'm just popping in. But here is a few quick notes.

I rented the '360 game, Prey. It's a FPS where you are a modern day American Indian who finds himself having to call on the very spiritual background he has shunned to save the world from an alien invasion. It's pretty cool!!!

There's one part where you can actually interact with a jukebox that plays Ted Nugent and Judas Preist!!! On top of those little treats, the graphics are top notch (and I don't even have HD!). Plus, there are many parts of the game where you get to walk on the walls and ceilings of this Alien airship/base/planet/sphere/whateverthefrackitis. There's actually decent voice acting in this game as well.

Play it if you can get your hands on it.

I found myself, AGAIN, checking out Halloween and Haunted Attraction websites.... in March. WTF?

Well, I gotta get going as "24" is on in less than an hour and I need some food. So enjoy the podcast and I'll talk to you soon.


Friday, March 16, 2007

"I can't believe I died last night.. I'm frackin' DEAD AGAIN!!!"

Holy Bajeezers! It's been a while since I posted something here! We'll, I thought going into March would slow things down a bit, but I'm just as busy as I was in February. In fact, I just got home from work a half an hour ago. But, fret not. I have a cold brew to my side that is fondling my larynx quite nicely.

Ok, let's get going here, then.

First off, I believe there was a brand spankin' new Zangz's Pod of Geekdom posted this past Monday (see how frackin' busy I am. I haven't even had time to plead with you to listen to my podcast!). This time I have a rousing review of the blockbuster "300"!

That will lead me to my next subject, I went to go see the movie "300"!!!! What did I think of it? Listen to my podcast, ya mooks! Christ, am I shameless, or what? Hey, my next podcast will be part 2 on RPGs featuring my good friend Mad Mario and his lovely wife Hope. On top of all that, my podcast just took a leap forward in sound quality. For the most part, we will rarely be using my phone as a microphone anymore. We're now using professional type gadgets, don't ya know.

They killed Starbuck!!!! WTF??????

When I heard that they we're going to do a remake of "Escape From New York" (the movie... not the VH1 reality series with the obnoxious gold digging tramp and her vile mother), I first thought, "Oh crap, not another remake of a golden classic!?!?!" But when I heard that 300's, Gerard Butler would take on the role as Snake Plisskin I thought, "Well, there may be some hope here." Wait and see.

Me and a friend were talking about how frellin' pathetic Van Halen is these days. The only two members to show up for their induction into the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of fame were the two members who are no longer in the band!!!!! WTF???? On top of that, the whole reunion tour for the summer has been cancelled due to Eddie Van Halen going to rehab. Sadly, I believe they blew their last gasp at being taken seriously as a hard edged rock band. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. You know, I don't even know why I'm even blogging about these guys.

This past Tuesday really put a dent in my wallet. Everything that rocks my world was released this past week. Casino Royale came out on DVD and Dead Again, from Type O, came out as well. I haven't watched Casino Royale on DVD yet, but I have been listening to Dead Again quite a bit. All I'll say right now is that I wish the title track wasn't only 4 minutes long, 'cause it is one of the best Type O Negative songs ever written! I still haven't gotten my ticket to see them in April when they come here. I better get crackin'.

You know what's also a good CD? Muse's "Black Holes and Revelations". It's about as far away as you could get from Type O, but there's some real good music on that disc. A lot of it hearkens back to Queen, while some of it can be put into the Radiohead category (although, they're probably pretty sick of being described as being like Radiohead).

I think I'll wait to see "Ghost Rider" 'till it comes out on video. I've heard that Cage is quite good in it, yet the plot is a stinkerooo.

Tomorrow is not only St. Patrick's Day, it's also a national holiday called Jenny-mas. Did ya know that? Ya know, it doesn't matter 'cause Jenny doesn't read this blog anyway. So let's move on.

When the hell is Young Sherlock Holmes coming out on DVD, anyway? I friggin' loved that movie! WTF, Spielberg?????

Eh... I got nothin' else.
