Holy Bajeezers! It's been a while since I posted something here! We'll, I thought going into March would slow things down a bit, but I'm just as busy as I was in February. In fact, I just got home from work a half an hour ago. But, fret not. I have a cold brew to my side that is fondling my larynx quite nicely.
Ok, let's get going here, then.
First off, I believe there was a brand spankin' new Zangz's Pod of Geekdom posted this past Monday (see how frackin' busy I am. I haven't even had time to plead with you to listen to my podcast!). This time I have a rousing review of the blockbuster "300"!
That will lead me to my next subject, I went to go see the movie "300"!!!! What did I think of it? Listen to my podcast, ya mooks! Christ, am I shameless, or what? Hey, my next podcast will be part 2 on RPGs featuring my good friend Mad Mario and his lovely wife Hope. On top of all that, my podcast just took a leap forward in sound quality. For the most part, we will rarely be using my phone as a microphone anymore. We're now using professional type gadgets, don't ya know.
They killed Starbuck!!!! WTF??????
When I heard that they we're going to do a remake of "Escape From New York" (the movie... not the VH1 reality series with the obnoxious gold digging tramp and her vile mother), I first thought, "Oh crap, not another remake of a golden classic!?!?!" But when I heard that 300's, Gerard Butler would take on the role as Snake Plisskin I thought, "Well, there may be some hope here." Wait and see.
Me and a friend were talking about how frellin' pathetic Van Halen is these days. The only two members to show up for their induction into the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of fame were the two members who are no longer in the band!!!!! WTF???? On top of that, the whole reunion tour for the summer has been cancelled due to Eddie Van Halen going to rehab. Sadly, I believe they blew their last gasp at being taken seriously as a hard edged rock band. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. You know, I don't even know why I'm even blogging about these guys.
This past Tuesday really put a dent in my wallet. Everything that rocks my world was released this past week. Casino Royale came out on DVD and Dead Again, from Type O, came out as well. I haven't watched Casino Royale on DVD yet, but I have been listening to Dead Again quite a bit. All I'll say right now is that I wish the title track wasn't only 4 minutes long, 'cause it is one of the best Type O Negative songs ever written! I still haven't gotten my ticket to see them in April when they come here. I better get crackin'.
You know what's also a good CD? Muse's "Black Holes and Revelations". It's about as far away as you could get from Type O, but there's some real good music on that disc. A lot of it hearkens back to Queen, while some of it can be put into the Radiohead category (although, they're probably pretty sick of being described as being like Radiohead).
I think I'll wait to see "Ghost Rider" 'till it comes out on video. I've heard that Cage is quite good in it, yet the plot is a stinkerooo.
Tomorrow is not only St. Patrick's Day, it's also a national holiday called Jenny-mas. Did ya know that? Ya know, it doesn't matter 'cause Jenny doesn't read this blog anyway. So let's move on.
When the hell is Young Sherlock Holmes coming out on DVD, anyway? I friggin' loved that movie! WTF, Spielberg?????
Eh... I got nothin' else.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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