Ya know, there are some people out there that just strive to be downright elitist bastages. I don't know why certain people have a fondness for being nasty about things. Now, I know that not everybody is going to like whatever material you try to creatively put out there, but today the publisher of the free press paper I do a column for got a nasty call from a snotty, humorless, souless wench who is part of the management of a certain local, Riverwest health food store (We'll call it "The Outhouse" to protect no one) shreiking about the fact that the distribution company our paper uses plunked a bunch of our papers down in her store among all the other free press papers without her approval. Though he appologized profusley for the mix up, she continued to be a heartless shew about things.
She went on to babble about how she thought our humor was not of her liking (Hey, it's not of a lot of peoples' liking. So, she's not that special!) And to add insult to injury she tossed out about 1500 copies into the dumpster. Sure, it was her right to do so and our distribution people frelled up by not getting the dig-bat's approval. But does she hafta be such a hemroid of a human being about it. She could have simply called the distribution company and told them not to place it there anymore. But, instead she wrecked havoc on my poor editor, just to be a polyp in the anus of humanity.
I just don't get some people. There's a lot of media out there I'm not fond of. But I have yet to go out of my way to make their life a bit more miserable about it. I guess the moral to the story is, if you eat food from "The Outhouse" prepare to poop yourself silly.
In nicer news, I got my online ticket to see Bruce Campbell's Milwaukee screening of "The Man With Two Brains". He'll be there and there'll be a question and answer period and he'll be singing his book, "Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way". So it should be a night of geekiness add nauseum! I hope I don't poop myself silly.
Well, I gotta get sumthin' into my belly before I head back out to Bastille Days tonight. May have a beer or two. Perhaps a cigar again. I went last night to see my friend Ellen sing. She did a cover of a Ray Charles' tune and got a standing ovation. I tried to see if I could weasle out some of the phone numbers of the other Chick singers, apppearing there, out of her, but it was a no-go. Most of them already had boyfriends, fiances, husbands or restraining orders out on me.
Well, I'm gone. Take care.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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