Time to rant! Tonight I stopped in to the local Toys 'R' Us to check out if the next wave of Star Wars figs came out (they did and Mr. Lucas has $12 more of my money. My microwave has two more villains to occupy the top of it.). I decided to make a side trip from the action figure isle to the videogame area. I saw a bunch of games lined up and numbered #1 through #20. They were the top selling games of the last week. I noticed that they were completely out of game #3. I checked out the price card in that slot to see what it was. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
"Wow", I thought to myself, "That game is doing so well that it's still selling out." I then thought nothing more of it and left for home.
Once I got home I relaxed in front of my TV and turned on some news channel. They were talking about Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I turned up the volume and heard the very disturbing news. The anchor said that Senator Hillary Clinton, who may be our friggin' president one day, had succeeded in having the adult themed game taken off many store shelves. Now folks, by it's very definition censorship is when the government prohibits, or prevents, the public from viewing or reading what those in power deem objectionable. This should scare you!
Then I turned the channel in pure and utter disgust. I ended up on another news channel and they were reporting that a group of Republicans were trying to have an anti war art display taken out of a gallery. More that should scare you!
Before I end up sounding like a total blithering mad man (too late), here's the moral to this particular blog..... Censorship is censorship! It shouldn't matter if its from the Left Wing or the Right Wing. It shouldn't be tolerated at all!!! Once people like the Hillary Clintons, Tipper Gores and Jerry Farwells start making decisions for you and YOUR family, it's time to start watching your American rights go the way of the dodo bird.
That's that with that. On with your normal programming.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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