Still running back and forth from my work to my mom's flat to my place all in the name of a couple of cats. So once again I can fool around with the cool added benefits to using the toolbar on the blog creator function of this website that I don't get when I download this site on my home computer. I have no clue as to why yet.
Anyhow, I just got the preview version of the next issue of the free press paper that I do an article or two for and it looks pretty good. Still a bit of the "poor man's Onion" feel to it, though. But, I talked to my editor friend about my concern and he feels that I have a valid point. So maybe we'll see a little more originality in the August issue. The July issue has gone to print this week and should be plauging the streets very soon! Hey, I shouldn't gripe. Writting for that thing will be getting me into Summerfest free for a few dates. Comped!! Actually we plan to do a review of a show or two for the August issue. I'm going to see Styx and a band called Beatallica and possibly a few more. What constitutes me as a legitimate music crittic? Having a friend desperate to find fools who write for free.
On to the next subject. Last night was the premire for the reality show "Average Joe: Strikes Back" where they get a bunch of akward, yet sweet, kind and amusing oddballs (read: geeks) and try and hook them up with a beauty queen. Here's the rub. The beauty queen is lied to by producers that she will be linked up with a bunch of hunks and they try to cash in on her reaction when our heros (read: geeks) are revealed as her possible suiters. But wait, there's yet another kink in the amour that our producers have weasled up. After a day or two of the beauty getting to know our heros, the show is invaded by a bunch of "hunks" (read: egomanical, Brad Pitt wanabees who have all the respect, personality and IQ of a piece of homoginized swiss cheese.) Past seasons of the show have resulted in truly shallow behavior by both beauty and hunks. Last season a incredibly visually stunning swimsuit model, named Larissa, pitched a vulgar fit when she first met the heros (Biased? Me?), but then became all Nicey McNicerson when producers probably explained to her that #1. She signed a contract to do the show and #2. She's on camera for the whole world to see her shallow, stuck up behavior. In the end she picked one of the moronic hunks over the romantic and honest "average Joe". Vile and evil Larissa got what she truly wanted in the end, a good looking retard over a man that would have truly loved her. Hope she's happy.
This season there may be hope for our heros. This years beauty didn't seem to retch out as much hatred as the coldly intollerent Larissa did this season. It was a simple, "Well, these aren't the kind of guys I usually date, but I'll give it a whirl" type attitude that came out of her.
You may be telling yourself, "Jeeze, Zangz, this is quite an unhealthy obsession you have for a silly reality show, isn't it? Have you taken your meds today?"
As someone who always roots for the fellow underdog and who always idealisticly hopes that evil will triumph over good and has a slight vested interest in the outcome of the show, I say...
YES! Yes, I need some major, help. Somebody, get my ass to a sanitarium right now! Hey... do you smell oranges?
Zangz out.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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