I think it's pretty obvious by now that this certainly isn't going to be a daily shtick here at my Blog of Geekedom. Sorry about that. But, I think you can all deal with it pretty well. So just pop in from time to time and see what's new.
After the release of Ep.III there hasn't been anything really that geekish that has happened or that is coming up too soon that I can get really that excited about. I guess writting for my friend's free press paper is kind of exciting, even though he kind of changes and slightly butchers what I write into his own words. The new "Batman: Begins" movie is coming out real soon staring newly inducted Scientologist, Katie Holmes. I can't get insanley hyped up to see it, though. It should be a good thrill ride, but it won't be no Ep.III. I'm also being real good about the new comic book shop that opened close by. I'm waiting until the next payment period on my credit card goes by. So again, not much in the geek world going on with me.
Although, I do have something pretty pethetic to get on a bit of a soapbox about. It's been rotting around in my brain for a bit now and I think I'll spew it out and make myself a target for riddicule. Justferdahellovit....
Not too long ago I saw a couple of interviews with some television actresses. One young, cute actress was at a comicbook convention hyping up her horror based TV show. When asked about the fans she exclaimed something to the effect of "I love these guys! These are MY people!" the other actress, who stars in a major network primetime show, was stated in her "100 Hottest Women" interview that, "I like to hang around with the geeky people. They seem to be more down to earth about things."
If you know me, you can see where this is going, can't you! Who are these broads trying to kid? Could you ever see a beautiful actress/model with a real, authentic geek? Here's the deal, actress #1 who made the "MY people" statement is living with her boyfriend who is an heir to some sort of cosmetics fortune and he hasn't had to lift a finger to do a speck of work his whole life. Actress #2 was married to a popular 80's actor and has since dated members of Motley Crue and the like. Do you think either of these two would really give a airial intercourse on a rolling pastrie about us geeks???? Do I have to answer that?????.................................................. (bewildered silence from blog visitors).
Evidently I do! The answer is a firm "NO!" These women would rather snort someone's regergated brocolli then let alone look in our direction. I guess I'm just tired of celebrities trying to pass themselves off as "just the person next door".
Well, that rant must be worth at least one good chucle from someone who isn't calling the loony bin on me.
Until next time, PEEEEACE!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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