I know it's been a while, but I've been in cat/dog/house sitting mode for the last week. Now I'm mearly in cat sitting mode. First my sister and her husband are gone to Vegas and I stayed at their house, now my mom is in Greece and I'm stopping by her place daily to check up on her cats.
Once I'm done with all of this pet stuff, I'm taking the week of July 4th off. I'm going to hit Summerfest a few times in the upcomming weeks. Got some free passes through the free press paper I write for. I want to go check out Styx and a local group called Beatallica who mesh the music of both Metallica and The Beatles. They've caused a little controversy with their with thier old website by putting their songs to download on there. Sony music got all Corporately greedy on them and hit them with a cease and desist order since Sony owns a lot of The Beatles songs. Beleive it or not, Lars from Metallica called Beatallica up and gave them the thumbs up and totally supported them. Which kinda has me scratching my head since he was the one who brought down Napster and started a whole witch hunt against Metallica's own fans for downloading thier music. Sure, downloading is stealing, but do you really think you should dren where you eat and go after fans. I'm ramblin'.
In geek news, not a helluva lot is going on. I have a great idea for my next article for my friend's free press paper. The only things that worry me now about this whole hair brained project is that the paper is starting to try and be too much like The Onion. I think we need to differntiate from them. He needs to make this slightly more original. The other thing is that I have a feeling that he's starting to lean the paper more in a political slanted view. Again, we already have the both The Onion and The Shepard Express for that kind of stuff. Personaly, I'm not at all a big fan of politics! I'm not impressed with either the Right Wing or The Left Wing. I'm more moderate than anything so whenever I see any media slant one way or the other, I have to roll my eyes and go, "Here comes the propaganda machine. Get yourselves a shovel, 'cause you'll be diggin' yourselves out of the bull poop that they'll be throwin' at ya." Whether it be Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore, they're both full of it.
Ok, let's get away from the political dren and get on with something a little more entertaining....
BRUCE CAMPBELL iscoming to town next month!!!!!! He's on a book signing tour for his new opus, "Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way". He's scheduled to hit Milwaukee July 28th at a bookstore not to far from my appartment!!! He's also going to have a screening of his new movie, "The Man with the Screaming Brain" I'm gunna need to get in on this!!!
On the subject of the undead movies, George Romero's "Land of the Dead" just hit theaters this past Friday and me and my buddy Roberto DelAmorte will have to find some time to go see it. Since Roberto and his lovley wife are expecting this October, we're not going to be doing much Haunted Housing this coming Halloween, and we got to get our spooky fix for the year somehow.
If you've noticed, I've decided to have Zangz's Blog of Geekdom become slightly more interactive. So I've added some funtions visitors to this blog can take advantage of like, sending my blogs via email to friends and family and others you would like to cheese off with completely mindless drivel AND you can now make nasty comments about my blog for all the world to view. Right now I have it set for everyone. But, if people start getting too nasty or vulgar or posting url's to porn sites (YANOFF!) I'll shut the whole lot of it down.
Well, the furballs are done with thier dinner and I gotta head home to use my own computer now. We'll talk.
P.S. The only reason I can post stuff here in different texts is because I'm using my mom's computer right now and for some reason my home computer doesn't have these text/posting images/bold/itallics stuff when I log on at home. Why? No clue. Script problems? Security settings? Any suggestions?
ya know, you haven't geeked out on either ff or batman. no reports. nothing. I'm very disappointed.
ReplyDeleteLook at the blog for Saturday June 19th entitled, "Now that's a Batman Movie!"
ReplyDeleteAs for FF, don't know if I'm going to go see it. The previews haven't really grabbed me. Though my friend Mad Mario is just dying to see it, so I may get the scoop from him and see if it's Zangzworthy.
Yes, Jessica Alba is quite fine, but I'm more of a Liz Vassey (Capt. Liberty from the live action "Tick") kinda guy.