Ever have one of those days that just sucked the life outta ya? I'm not talking about stressing out or things not going well at work. I'm talking about putting yourself in a state of self loathing and low self worth. I'm having one of those days today. Actually I've been having one of those couple of weeks. Perhaps it's coming down off of the whole Ep.III high. At least it's good to know that there's always friends that care about you, right? ...um, right? Hello..lo..lo..lo Anybody there...ere...ere..ere... Echo...o...o...o...o... Well, maybe they're all out to lunch. Actaully I've been a bit of a hermit lately and I think that may have cheesed off a few of them. Gunna hafta get back on track and call some people up.
Ok, let me pull up my boot straps and get on with nicer things!
Hey! They're re-running "Lost" on ABC at 9pm on Wednesday nights. It just started last night so if you haven't caught this well written show you HAVE to see it. Every episode leaves you drooling for more.
There's already pretty big hype for the next Xbox that will be hitting shelves this holiday season. The Xbox 360 will boast tons of power, better graphics, cordless controlers and a easily upgradable hard drive. But, the only reason that I would think about grabbing one is the fact that the next Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion, is coming out for it. I don't think I have yet to rave about it's predecessor, Morrowind on my blog yet. In a nutshell, it is the largest, most open ended, free form, visually stunning role playing video game to grace the Xbox system! It is so huge and robust, that it took me a total of 8 months to complete 3/4 of the game and explore the entire world (I still haven't done all of the 1000 side quests yet). It's the best of immearsive RPG's out there!!! Oblivion is supposed to go way beyond the graphics that Morrowind had and a better fighting system. Yet, I've heard rumors that the world is not quite as big as Morrowind which would be a dissapointment since one of the best things I found about Morrowind was how insanely huge the world was.
Well, now I'm feeling better. Talking about video games is my own personal Xanax.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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