Didn't have a darn thing to say yesterday, so I didn't. It be like that sometimes.
Today I got the pattented "Con Review" email that many of us get from our friend Leslie after she returns home from a great Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Horror convention that is out of town and the rest of us are too poverty stricken to get to. This time around she was lucky enough to go to the Star Wars Celebration III (or C3 as it will hence be known as in the Blog of Geekdom) in Indy. I love it when I get these emails so that I can live vicariously through her. But who I would have loved to live vicariously through was her friend, Eric, who got to spend 4 hours with blue Twilik Jedi actress Amy Allen being her leaison for half a day! I don't think he had any idea of how lucky he was. Leslie also sent along some fun pics of some of the costumes she and other people wore there. Very cool.
The only part of the review of the con that left me with a bad taste in my mouth was her comment about "I can see why GenCon left Milwaukee...yada, yada, yada". Long story made quick... GenCon was a fantasy gaming con here in Wisconsin (mostly in Milwaukee over the years) that was bought out, uprooted, moved from it's home of here in Milwaukee and taken to Indy all in the name of greed and big business. GenCon became a company more than a convention (more machine than man now) that runs all of thier cons in Indy, including C3, and is now all about money and bad security guards. It is for that reason that I use my power as Grand Emperor of the galaxy to invoke "Order 67" (that's one up from "Order 66", don't ya know.) Which is to declare members of the big business mentallity as enemies of the Empire and to be hunted down like the DOGS THEY ARE, and further more..... eh... um... I'm in my "damn dream world" again, aren't I? I thought I'd forget to take the meds today.
Sooooo... on to nicer subjects (...says Zangz, hoping nobody noticed his sudden outburst and subsequent drooling).
I didn't read all of it, but it appears that fellow fan-boy turned famed writter / director, Kevin Smith, has posted a review of Ep.III on his website at veiwaskew.com. I didn't read all of it 'cuase the thing is dripping moist with spoilers (and curse words... cool!) that not even I, a spoiler junkie, knew about. After I stopped reading due to the spoilers (Not the curse words.) I was able to surmize that this SW movie is the one that will silence all the naysayers (like my friend Spanky). This puppy is supposed to be way darker then even Ep.V ("Empire") and it sounds like many body parts are light sabered off of characters in thsi one! In general, he seemed estaticly happy with the results. Just one more reason to jones over the coming May 18th midnight showing!!! Dearest Lord, why can't you just speed up time for us puny Star Wars geeks, just this once, you sadistic bastage!!!!
Jeeze. I really do gotta go and take my meds now.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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