We're not even over the hump for the week and it already feels like it should be close to over. Bleh....
I don't have much to spout out about today. I have more work to do on Saturday's "Call of Cthulhu" game. Things are slowly working their way out and I think it should be a good game.
"24" rules, even though last night's episode wasn't as big of a "plot twist" as the network was bragging about. In fact we all saw it coming for several episodes now. Don't know how many more episodes we have to go until the season finale. I think we're over the half-way mark. Wish I could say the same thing about this week. Bleh....
Hey, this is my first really lame blog. How cool is that?
Whooooaaaaa.... wait a minute! Things are heatin' up! As I have been perusing the web for a while, I've found an interesting story going on over at the line for the midnight showing of Star Wars at Hollywood's famous Chinese Theater (Liningup.net). For the last several years the Prequels have been released at historic Mann's Chinese Theater, a group of diehard fans have set up a huge line, weeks in advance. They also work at raising money for the Starlight Foundation while in line. Well, due to corporate greed and it's bad habit of destrying tradition, it was announced late yesterday that the Chinese theater WILL NOT be showing "Episode III: ROTS" and some other less famous (or seemingly well liked) theater called the Arclight will. Unfortunatley, one SW fan suggested on the lineup's message board that they should possibly use the fact that they're doing this for sick kids to sway the media to their cause. In turn this post ended up on Defamer.com (a weblog run by shallow, bitter Hollwood insiders who write about and bash.... shallow, bitter Hollywood...the irony). Of course Defamer.com blew the whole thing out of proportion and made the Liningup.net group look like geeks having a tempertantrum (a media outlet being nasty to SW fans? Perish the thought). Evidently this fiasco has not thwarted the group at Liningup.net. They plan to stay at the Chinese theater for traditions sake, to continue to raise the money and boycot the Arclight. Good for them!!! I don't know where the frell they're going to see the midnight showing, but good for them anyway.
I guess that wasn't lame after all..........(puts face into hands and weeps).
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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