Couple things this time around....
First and foremost, It is being reported that Ultrascreen tix for the midnight showing of ROTS (Let's just call it Ep.III from now on. Sound good? "ROTS" could stand for "Roberto's Orifice Tissue Sample" to those not in the Star Wars Loop) ... ummm, anyway, tix may possibly be on sale this coming Friday. Now we got to try and ...
A. Confirm it!
B. Find out what the rules and regulations are for buying them (Is it a limited amount of tix per person - better be! Will people standing in line get first crack while they release tix over the internet 2 hours later - hopefully!).
C. Find out who can be available to get in line and get tix.
D. Calculate how many tix we need to get, total.
See, there's a whole process to this that has to be meticulously planned and executed. If we, sadly, don't get tix to the midnight showing, then we'll take the next available showing.
So that's that with that for now. More on that Ep.III stuff later.
Ah yes, I was going to tell you more about a place called House on the Rock which is featured in the Neil Gaiman novel "American Gods". Having been a big fan of Gaiman's graphic novels (read: comic books), "The Sandman", I was quite amused that he used one of the local landmarks as a featured setting in his novel about ancient, mythological gods being humanized here in modern day America.
House on the Rock is basically an oddly designed house that does sit on a huge slab of rock. Connected to the house are many warehouses filled with tons and tons of odd collections that are on display in a very artistic and fantastical way. It's like a museum of odd collections. The place is huge and will take you at least 2 hours to go through. If you're inspired by imaginative oddities, do yourself a favor and head out to Spring Green, Wisconsin (not far from Madison) and trip out on the place.
Lastly, I did greatly enjoy the impromptu cook out we had last night. A bit chilly, but nothing a raging (and I do mean RAGING) fire pit couldn't comfort. There was lots of meat injested by yours truly (which I still owe on... I haven't forgotten, guys) as well as lots of laughter. Sometimes, I'm quite surprised and pleased that I have the friends that I have.
That was a big one! Which reminds me, I gotta go take care of all that meat now. Enjoy the weekend.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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