Do you folks know what precious good I hold in my little hands right this second? Is it the keys to a brand new sports car? No, better. Is it a $1 million dollar bill? No, better. All right, I'll end the suspense for you.....
It's a 4 person ticket to the MIDNIGHT SHOWING OF "STAR WARS, EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH AT THE UBER-MEGA-ULTRASCREEN!!!! And I'm wavin' it in your face, foolish mortal.....IN YOUR FACE!!!! IT IS ON, BABY!!! (Imagine a 37 year old nerd jumping up and down, alone in his apartment bedroom waving a freshly printed piece of paper in his hand to no one in particular at 11pm in the evening. After you’re done laughing your ass off, or if you're a relative of his...weeping silently to yourself, please read on).
I was smart enough to get on the website selling the tix about 20 minutes before they were to presumably be on sale and while doing the ol' "refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh" routine. Well they went on sale 10 minutes before I was told they'd be on sale so I clicked away, hit "print ticket" and wallah, me and some friends will be geekin' it up at the midnight showing! THE MIDNIGHT SHOWING, BABY!!! IT IS ON! ON, BABY! ON!!! (more waving, laughing, weeping).
I'm off tomorrow and have some good friends coming into town this weekend. So I'll check with you later. ON, BABY, ON!!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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