It's the first day of April, 2005 and millions around the world sit in contemplative wait with concern in their minds and hearts. A dark shadow looms closer and closer, inevitably arriving very soon! Many are heading to thier local churches to find answers and perhaps some solace. We're all collectively thinking the same thing....
"Will there be enough General Greivous 12" and 3, 1/4" action figures released tomorrow so that there's enough for everyone and the dealers and horders won't wipe them off all the shelves only to be found on-line for 3 to 4 times their actual price?"
I know, I know. It's been on my mind all day also. But, we must have hope that there will be more than enough for each and everyone of us who want one to be able to get one. And if by chance the people of Hasbro made the horrible decision to make far more Senator Jar Jar than one of the more popular villains of the prequel series (as they have in the past with Darth Maul and Count Dooku) we must all have faith that eventually the store shelves will be stocked with more than a few Greivous action figures within the next few months.
Oh, yea, then there's that whole pope thing.
Just call me DARTH BASPHEMOUS!!!!
I'm outta here, enjoy the weekend.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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