Holy cripes it's late for this blog. It's the last half hour in the day and I'm FINALLY done with that frellin' Cthuhlhu game I'll be running tomorrow. I hope I haven't overdone it. I went through a process were I kept adding and adding and adding to the story, then I tried to streamline it, leaving some plot holes. Then I tied those up and added some more to the sotry to tie up loose ends. I'm hoping it's not to convoluted. I guess I'm trying to make up for the lack of Cthulhu games this year. I think the last time we all palyed a full game was back in May of '04. So it's been almost a year, if you don't count that min-game I ran for a few of the group back in September when I vacationed with them at a lake house.
I also went into ROTS withdrawl and hit the local Toys 'R' Us by Northridge (or what's left of Northridge) and picked up an evil Anakin and a female, blue twilik Jedi (her name escapes me right now... Allya Seccura??? I know it's palyed by Lucas' Production Assistant, Amy Allen.) figures. I'm weak! Oh dear lord, why can't May 18th and 19th come sooner before it tears apart my wallet and bank acount?
Well, I gotta get something to eat and then hit the hay. So I'll talk later.
Have a good weekend.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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