"Lost" was a frellin' rerun last night! For a show that's really good, they sure show a lot of reruns of it during its first season.
In other "favorite TV show" news, "The Apprentice" is on tonight and I'm hoping that spoiled, little hot-head, Chris gets the axe tonight. He's obnoxious and this past weekend his out of control temper got him tossed in jail in Las Vegas after he was told to pay a cover charge to get into a club and then threw a fit. How did a 21 year old like him get to be a millionaire? Does God just say, "Ok, all the jerk-weeds and dipsticks of the world, like Hot Head Chris and Boston Rob, I will bless with great luck and wonderful prosperity. Now, all the 37 year old male, Star Wars fans who wear glasses, live in the Midwest and are sitting on their computers, blogging and whining about Hot Head Chris and Boston Rob and other reality show goof-balls, I will curse one million times over! So says I, so is the law of the earth!"
On to far more pressing issues at hand.....
The word on the street (the net) is that ROTS tix go on sale soon. Possibly within the next week, perhaps sooner. Now, me and my cohorts need to get a plan together to see how, exactly, we're going to get our geeky little paws on tix to the midnight showing at the Ultrascreen. That's the dream, that's the plan and that's THE place to be on May 19th! For a year that's, so far, been cluttered with dark clouds, I'm hoping that this one little ray of sunshine will come into fruition and I'll be able to see ROTS with a boat-load of cheering fans at the best theater in the area.
There are two ways we could go about it, on-line or in line. On line we'd have to be by a computer when tix actually go on sale (noon on the appointed day???), then hope the connection / computer / server is fast enough to process the tix without some glitch or clog up from other purchasers, then hope they print out ok. Or.... we could go IN line if we can actually get a day off from work at the last minute (they only give about 12 hours notice when they go on sale), then get up EARLY on that day, get to the theater and wait in line for hours to hopefully get a ticket to a show that will most certainly sell out.
Decisions, decisions. Of course we could worry more about things like, famine, world peace, disease, the state of the economy........... nawwwww. I WANTS ME MY MIDNIGHT SHOWING ULTRASCREEN TIX!!!!!
Well, that'll be it for today. I'll keep you all posted on this grand endeavor and on ROTS happnin's as time progresses closer to May 19th.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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