Well, it looks like I will be missing a day's blog here and there. Yesterday proved quite busy and I didn't get to do the Blog thing. Actually I could have found time to do it in the morning, if I wasn't in battling it out with goblins and bandits in the Xbox game "Fable", a real excellent, yet slightly flawed action role playing video game. Visually it's quite stunning, very beuatiful worlds to explore. It's also heavily interactive and the game takes place during the lifetime of your main character. The main problem I had with the game was that I was already spoiled by the gargantuan Xbox RPG "Morrowind", which literally took me almost a year to explore the entire world and finish up the main quest. Where with Fable, I've been playing for about a week to a week and a half, and already my character is quite old and I'm at the final battle of the main quest. Hopefully, there will be more to do after the main quest, like in "Morrowind".
Anyway, my afternoon was taken up with the "Call of Cthulhu" RPG (dice and paper) game I run for a few friends. All went well. Took us a while to get off the ground (the one liners were pouring out of everyone at a rapid rate), but it ended up being pretty good and climaxed with a twist ending (the main villain ended up being one of the charcters who's player quit the game.).
Well, I gotaa go have lunch 'cause I'm heading out to see "Sin City" this afternoon. I've heard that if you're a fan of the comic by Frank Miller (and I am!) you're going to love it. However, if you're a snotty, film crittic who thinks movie like "I Heart Huckabees" or foreign films are brillaint, you're going to hate "Sin City". Thank god I was a comic book fan back in the day.
Talk to you soon...
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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