I know, I know. It's been a few days and I've admittedly been slacking off on my Blog of Geekdom duties and most of you are in bated breath waiting for this next post. Well, here we go...
I went to go see "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" based on the first of the late Douglas Adam's Sci-Fi, comedy series of books. As geeky as I am, I never read them. I know very many a geek who has devoured the whole series and loves waxing poetic on being "in the know" of the significance of the number "42". It seems to me that a lot of the Douglas Adams' / "Hitchhiker" fans are also big "Dr. Who" fans. Something about Brittish Sci-Fi that seems to grab certain people.
Anyway, since I never read the books, I found the movie to be "cute". That's about it. I asked a couple of people who were fans of the books what they thought and they seemd to like it or think it was ok. SO I'm guessing you wouldn't get a lot out of it unless you were HEAVILY into the books beforehand. There were a couple of nods to the old BBC TV series of "Hitchhiker's" during the movie. There was also a quick memorium to the late author at the very end of the flick that was touching if you were a big fan of his works. Sam Rockwell's performance as the President of the Universe (Beeblebrax?) was pretty humorous and actress Zooey Daschanel is quite fetching. And I always tend to really like Bill Nighy's work, whether it be an evil anceint vampire ("Underworld") or in this film as a administrator for the planet factory. But, in the end, You have to be a pretty insane "Hitchhiker's" fan to really enjoy this movie to it's full potential. In fact, there were a few times that I found myself mumbling under my breath.... "Only two and a half more weeks, only two and a half more weeks!"
A cute film, but unless you have Douglas Adams' face tatooed to your behind with a "42" in a heart next to it, you may want to wait until the DVD release to rent it and save your money to purchase many Ep.III tickets once that's realeased!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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