I'm gunna let you in on a little secret (since only three of you read this anyway). I have a friend who's working on his own free press, locally distributed, comiedic periodical. He's ask me to write a few editorials and reviews for him since I'm a big supporter of fandom. The first issue goes to print very soon.
Now, if you've actaully been reading my blogs (the three of you) you'd know that I'm not that gifted in the tallent of creative writing. Heck, I'm the king of misspellings and run-on sentences! But, in an attempt to stroke my ego and stiffle the slight low slef asteem that tends to haunt me from time to time (as it does most normal people) I decided to give it a go and see where it might lead, if anywhere. I've got two segments that will be published in the upcoming inaugural issue. The question is, am I setting myself up for some form of great fall? Ah, Slef Doubt, my one constant nemesis, you've returned to once again knee me in the groin. Blast you!!!
Already, I have a slight problem with the situation. My friend, the publisher, has taken the second article I've written and has done a good dose of rewrting what I originally had into his own words. Now, I could be very silly about all of this. But, on the other hand, he is the publisher and is flipping a lot of the bill for this thing. So maybe I've got to just bend over the sink and take it as a man if I'm going to pay the fiddler (or some sort of anaolgy to that effect). It's just that when I put my words down in print or paper I want them to be 100% MY words.
Well, we'll see where this leads. Hopefully it won't be too violent of a trainwreck.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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