I'm sorry for the lack of blogging here latley. I know I promised a final, huge, spoiler filled review of Ep.III, but I have limited access to my mom's computer. You may ask, why I need to do it on my mom's computer and not mine. Well, for some odd reason, my own computer is limited to being able to access certain toolbars on this blog site. The tool bar in question is one that allows me to do things such as change the color of the text, make text bold or itallicised and some other things that I wanted to do to make the review special. I don't have a clue as to why this tool bar comes up on this site when I'm on my mom's computer and not mine. I also encounter certian icons on certain websites that I can't see on my computer that I can see on others. Not being a computer guru, I can only surmize that it may have something to do with one of the wonderful Microsoft updates that I apply to my computer to keep it "safe" that may not allow me to access certain web scripts. Or maybe it's because Bill Gates knows how to screw up good computers with cruddie operating systems so we're forced to either get new computers or continue to upgrade and make him wealthy. So you can thank Bill Gates for the indefinite postponement on the big SW, Ep.III review I had planned.
In other geek happenings, the Ep.III afterglow is very slowly wearing off. The anticipation is over and the hype is wearing down. Sigh, I can't say that there will ever be a series of movies that will have such an impact on fandom or pop culture ever again. Now we wait for the TV show!!
A comic book shop has opened within a 5 minute walking distance from me. This could be a slight financial problem.
Several years ago I got into comic book reading frenzie that lasted nearly a decade. I didn't buy to collect, I bought to have a good read. My search for really good reads turned into a $30 to $90 a week habit. Granted, I found quite a few that I enjoyed the frell out of (Hellblazer, Preacher, some SW titles, Sin City, Akira, a boat-load of Batman titles and many others), but after a while I got frustrated that the titles would either come to an end, change from good writers to crappy, rely on schtick rather than good story telling and the major fact that the comic shop that I frequented and was a top notch place for comic lovers, closed abruptly and without warning. Layered onto that was the fact that the only other comic shop in my area wasn't a very organized operation and was somewhat at fault for me missing out on some key issues. So I slowly stopped buying them. Oh, I'd occasionally pick up a trade paperback of a series I used to pick up to check on where they're at with it, but no major buying.
But, now that there's one soooo frellin' close that is VERY well organized and has some very friendly people behind the counter and a very good atmosphere.... suffice it to say, I need to control my urges. But I still picked up a trade paperback of the collected works of vol. 1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. God help me!
Last night was the two hour conclusion of "24" and it didn't end in a big bang. It ended with some political intrigue that worked quite well. Allas, no Chloe / Michelle mud wrestling scenario that was suggested, but they made up for it by bringing in fanboy favorite "Miniskirt Mandy"! She's kind of like the Boba Fett of the "24" series. She's the mysterious assasin for hire that pops up from time to time to wreak havoc on our heros. She gets away through an immunity deal at the end. Hopefully we'll see her next January when the new season begins!
Well, I'm heading out and relaxing with my SW comic book for tonight.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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