You know, when it comes to genre TV, I never seem to get into the same shows that most of my fantasy/horror/sci-fi appreciated brethren do. I have many friends that are totally into the whole Joss Wheeden scene with his shows like Buffy, Angel and Charmed. Not that I disliked those shows. I just never got into any of them. I ended up being a big fan of his Firefly which was a Western influenced space saga that was apruptly cancelled from the Fox line up a few years ago (However, they are making a movie that is coming out this September called, "Serenity").
Then there's a bunch of folks into Stargate:SG-1 and the new Battlestar Gallactica. Nope, not me. I was a Farscape kind of guy, and when the Sci-Fi channel ripped that show from the air and then promoted Stargate as thier big, new flagship series, I ended up avoiding it like the plague in an act of defiance. Now of course their trying to make things right by employing some of the Farscape cast on Stargate. But I have no clue as to what's going on in the plot now, so I don't watch it. As for Gallactica, what I catch, I like! But, it's on at 10pm on Friday nights. Who's home then.... well I am, but I'm usually in a drunken state of lonliness and self pity (just kiddnin'... no really, I'm kidding!).
Then there's the whole Xena, Hercules, Cleopatra 2040 (whatever the frellin' year was), Andomeda, Xfactor group. If I caught one of those during channel surfing, they'd be lucky. Again, I didn't hate these shows, I just didn't appreciate them the way that thousands of others did.
So I guess I'm a picky TV geek genre watcher. But, if you were to ask, and I know you really, really want to, I'd have to say that the list of favorite fantasy inspired shows would have to be...
Farscape - Excellent intellectual writting with great action sequences and wonderful, Jim Henson Creature Shop imagined aliens. Some of which were very visually pleasing. Cancelled , sadly.
Firefly - Another wonderful Sci-Fi show that played out like a Western in space. Cancelled also, sadly.
The first 4 seasons of The X-Files - I say the first 4 seasons since I felt it started to drag on and on with that whole alien / smoking man conspiracy that to this day has yet to be fully revealed. It is the show that helped genre TV to blossum!
24 - Pulse pounding intrigue every week. How can these writters do the same season over and over again and still make it feel as fresh as the original season? Chloe Vs. Michelle mud wrestling scene? Still waiting. Hey this is on in 1/2 hour! Better get crackin' with this blog, gosh darnit!
Lost - Here's something pretty fresh. A plane crsh, a mysterious island and survivors with deep dark secrets that all play out in flashbacks and madness. Awesome show!
You can throw a few classics like, the orginal Battlestar Gallactica, Wonder Woman, V, The Nightstalker and of course anything by those zany special effects pioneers, Sid and Marty Kroft... Electrawoman and Dynogirl, anyone? Ohhhhh yessss.
What does the future hold for TV for me? Well, if they get on with that Star Wars series and it would feature a certain blue, female, Twilik Jedi (whose name I always spell wrong, so I'm not gunna try) and it airs within the next two or three years, as reported, then I'll be happier than Woody Harelson trapped in an elevator with staff members from "High Times" magazine. Boy, I really reached with that analogy! Actually, we SW fans would be happy if George Lucas just videotaped himself vomiting up his lunch onto R2-D2 and then televised it. Well, maybe not the Prequel haters out there. They seem to automatically and blindly hate everthing George does post Ep. IV, V, VI.
Hey,I gotta get cookin'. I'll talk to you about more random, lame stuff later.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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