Holy cows!
Rum is powerful stuff , isn't it? I'm not a big fan of hard liquor! I learned that lesson on my 21st B-day when my friends pounded me with enough shots of Uzo (SP? See, I don't even know how to spell most hard liquors) for me to black out most of the night with slight blurs of psuedo clarity (like becoming conscience in the middle of the cobblestoned streets of the old Pabst Brewing facility with my freind Aaron.) Tonight I got home and decided to unwind with some very old rum and pink lemonade. I swear to god, I didn't have that much rum, knowing that I wasn't a big fan of hard liquor, but after only two drinks of this concoction, I'm quite buzzed! The rum has been left over from when my Dad visted 3 years ago! Does it become more potent after a few years? Jesuz Christie! I hope I don't barf or have a headache after this experiment. I must be a true geek since I'm so frellin light-wieght. Tomorrow I'll look at this post and think, "I don't remember writing this! Who wrote this dren?" I know it's only Thursday, but I'll be over at my Mom's to take care of her after her Gal Bladder surgery tomorrow, on Friday night, through the weekend. So it won't be an actual "let loose" type of Friday.
Who wants to celebrate their Mother's day right after having gal bladder surgery? Poor Mom. Well, I had to celebrate Halloween weekend (my favorite holiday) after having some minor day surgery done to me. I won't say what it was, but I will say that a massive amount of gauze and over an hour in a bathtub trying to get said gauze out of the oriface that it was stuck in played an unfortunate part in my favorite holiday weekend.... sigh.
Anyhow, let me attempt to sober up a bit so I can write some more lame entries on the next Star Wars fiesta known as Ep. III.
Saw some info about how actress Bia Ling (very attractive Asian actress) was cut out of Ep. III. She was under the impression that it was because she's in this month's issue of Playboy. Lucasfilm denies it, saying that even George's daughters' cameos were cut due to editing the movie into a comprehensive story.
Lemme put my rum soaked, geek-esque opinion into the frey here. If Lucasfilm is telling the truth, I think Bai Ling should just grow up and deal with it. If you wannna be an actress, you gotta take the up's with the down's! She's gorgeous, so I'm sure she'll get some excellent rolls in the future. She's already made her presence known in the genre with her rolls as an android in "Sky Captian..." and her roll as a incestuous sibling to her sadistic, crime lord brother in "The Crow" (that was her in "The Crow"? Right? I'm full of frggin' rum here, give me a friggin break!)
If Lucasfilm did wimp out due to the Playboy Factor, they need to re-evaluate their supposedly "liberal" beliefs (you don't name minor villains Nute Gunray and Lott Dodd as political statements for nothing?) and not let nudity offend them and to not suck up to the whole puritanical, family value silliness that's silencing this country as much as political correctness is...... I'm quesy.
Ok, I have to go have some food and lay down before I start ranting on about God knows what.
Rum is the devil.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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