Ever so closer to the closure of one of the greatest modern day myths to ever grace the movie screen, we are (says Zangz in his best Yoda impression).
I just perused the Harry Knowel's review of Ep.III at his infamous movie geek website www.aintitcool.com and I think he hits the nail on the head of what I'm personally anticipating by saying...
"This really is the big Michael Corleone episode of Star Wars. It's where all the traps are sprung, all the cards are laid on the table, where everybody dies, all is lost and evil rules the galaxy."
Yay evil!
Me and my fellow SW fans who will be attending the midnight showing at the Ultrascreen are just starting to do some planning on that night's festivities. I have the feeling that I may have to do some negotiating as I'd like to get there pretty early and they want to show up latter.
I can relate. You'd think that 4 hours before showtime would be more than sufficient to wait in a line filled with Jedi, stormtroopers and more than a few of those large, hairy guys who haven't bathed in a week that will be attempting to visualize and act out the infamous light sabre battle between Anikin and Obi-Wan with plastic light sabres they've just purchased at the nearby Target. But, you gotta realize that this is the last time we'll ever be a part of something of this magnatude. On top of that, at the opening of Ep.II the Ultrascreen line was pretty filled by 6pm. I remember being in line at the same time at another theater and watching it on the news from a portable TV somebody brought. This is going to be one heck-a-roonie of an evening and I want to lap up every noise, sight and smell (well maybe not of the two guys going at it with the plastic light sabres).
Well, see what hapens. It's still a week away and I'm sure we'll all figure something out.
I'll be sure to keep you all posted.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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