Holy carp!!! We're almost there!!!!
Can you feel it? The silence? The yellow and black clouds overhead? No wind. No birds chirping or dogs barking. That dankness in the air, that freshness in the smell. There's a storm coming. Search your feelings. You know this to be true. There's a geek storm a brewing and it shall release itself soon!!! That geek storm is in the form of the celluiod love fest known as "Star Wars, Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith"!!!! Get ready, 'cause if you ain't at one of the many Milwaukee theaters at midnight tomorrow night, you ain't gunna feel the dork vahalla that is the Star Wars experience! Scoff if you will, laugh if you must, but if you're not in line by midnight, you're left in the dust! (Hey, that was a cute little rhyme! Somebody write that down before I forget it!)
So, we are fully in the pre-hype of the opening of the 3rd story and final movie of the Star Wars saga. This is where we will see the Galactic Republic fall and the Sith influenced Empire rise, where Anakin Skywalker will succumb to the dark side and become the Sith lord that has become the #1 villain of all of moviedom known as Darth Vader. Also where his Jedi master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, shall slice him into a nice london broil stake, forcing him to become "more machine than man" (oh, have i spoiled it for you?). It shall be a beautiful Shakespeareanesque tragedy!
Now, I'm hoping all will come into fruition when it comes to meeting my friends at the theater! I'll be there a bit earlier and they'll show up around 6pm. Hopefully we'll meet up and not be deinied a good seat in the theater. There's also rain planned for tomorrow night, and sitting in line, outdoors in a rain storm is not exactly a fun idea. But, this is Star Wars fercrisesake! Even if there's a volcanic eruption, I plan to stay firmly in line!
Hey! They brought back "Mini skirt Mandy" to the show "24". She's an evil terrorist for hire that is also insanely beautiful that shows up from time to time on the incredible Fox TC show. Don't get me wrong! I don't support terrorism! I'm no Dixie Chick or anything! But, for those of you who follow "24" she's kinda like the Boba Fett of the series. The mysterious, dark villain who only shows up from time to time. So it's kinda cool to see her when she pops up!
Ok, I gotta get outta here. Got some Star Wars geekin' to do! We shall talk tomorrow!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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