One of the first columns I wrote for the local free press / comedic paper I write in (No! Not that one.) was about how the producers of the Bond movies really hosed themselves, and those of us die hard James Bond fans, by unceremoniously giving Pierce Brosnan his pink slip. So, today I felt I'd blog a bit more about it, since a recent article in Entertainment Weekly has an interview with Mr. Brosnan (aka: the best frelling thing to happen to the Bond movies since the release of "Goldfinger") has sparked my ire with Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli (producers of the Bond films).
Any human being blessed with 1/4 of a brain would have figured out that filming at least one more movie with Brosnan would have been box office gold! They could have promoted the heck out of the fact that it would have been the last Bond film of the Brosnan era. Even if Brosnan out priced himself, they could have more than made up for it with his final Bond movie. But, instead they very stupidly fired Brosnan from the role right in the middle of writing up a contract for him to do a 5th and final Bond movie. What the......?
They plan to do a Bond film based on Ian Fleming's "Casino Royale" with some new, younger actor (yet to be announced) to play Bond. It's supposed to start filming this winter with a possible Summer 2006 release. If this thing ends up being a stinker, we're all going to witness the end of the Bond franchise as we know it.
Why do these producers continue to cheese off past actors who've portrayed Bond? The only one who's still tight with the Broccoli family is Roger Moore. Otherwise, none of them have anything nice to say to about them.
Well, I got that out of my system for now. I'm sure there will be more ranting and whining once the new Bond is announced and the movie comes out. So check back here then.
Hey, here'a quickie note of musical interest for you. Right now I'm listening to Faith No More's CD, "The Real Thing". Though it was released almost 15 years ago, it was way ahead of it's time and still sounds darn fine by today's standards. It mixes Heavy Metal with rap with instrumental with a cornacopia of other influences. Nothing has ever sounded like it since. Too bad the band is no longer together. The only crux this band has ever had was that in the early 80's, queen of all skanks, Courtney Love, was a member of the band. Thank the good lord they gave her walking papers before they went big time!!!! Faith No More was good stuff!! I challenge you to go out and broaden your horizons by listening to it. Hard to find in the stores, but I bet you can find it out on the net somewhere.
Firing Courtney Love fom Faith No More = Very Good Thing!
Firing Pierce Brosnan from the role of James Bond = Very Bad Thing!
I'm callin' it a day here at Zangz's Blog of Geekdom. See ya.
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