Hope you all had a festive weekend. I spent it bumming around the homestead. Which means I spent quality time with my PS2 and Xbox.
I'm starting to find a new love for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I walked away from it for a while and recently got back into it. I'm only a smidgen into the vast, open-ended crime simulation, but I'm having fun keeping the main character, buff, wealthy and well armed. I've got him doing some serious pimpin' in the hood. I just hate those dance mini games and missions they throw at you. I'm as coordinated as a club footed infant, drunk on wine. So it will take me a while to open up more of the game.
As for Xbox, I went out and rented Doom III. What a phenomenal game! I was really impressed with the graphics and level designs. They keep a lot of the designs from the original PC and Doom64 games, but updated them 100% so they would more than pacify the newer players and seem sort of nostalgic to us old-time players. And the spook-house pop-out effects came straight out of many haunted attractions I've been to. Sure, the designers took a few liberties with the monsters taking one too many a cheap shot at you, but you feel like you've been through heck in a hand basket after you get through a level. I like single player first person shooters (FPS) that can really immerse you into a world, and that's just what Doom III does.
Well, another, inspiring, thought provoking episode of Las Vegas is on. I truly believe that this show could unlock the secrets to the cosmos. I gotta run!
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