Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

And the Ignorant Shall Rule the Roads (and the networks)...

Here's a quickie gripe for you....

Me? I'm a cautiously aggressive driver. I like to get from point "A" to point "B" on time and in one piece with as little of stopping and going below 30 mph as possible. So why are there hoards of millions out on the road who want to prevent me from doing just that? Why, within :30 seconds of each other, did I have to encounter two of the most mindlessly rude and dangerously aggressive drivers in the city?

One bastage was driving as slow as he could in front of me while there was no one in front of him. He slows down in front of a GREEN light and times it so that he can then speed up and get through the light as it turns yellow, leaving me behind at the red.

Then I had to deal with a real vomit of a human being. I come to a stop and next to me, IN THE RIGHT HAND TURN LANE is some balding scuz-ball in a heap of an old station wagon. When the light turns green I head straight. He decides to do the same thing even though he's committed to making a right hand turn. What makes this worse is the fact that I'm well ahead of him. and he speeds up and cuts me off in the one lane street. Needless to say he got a bit of my horn and an earfull of my wonderfully colorful vocabulary.

I can understand making a mistake on the road. But why are there so many people that have to go out of there way to try and not only cheese people off to their own amusement, but also be quite dangerous about it? It's time the law brought back a little medieval torture to the roads. Doncha think?

Ok, now from a rant that's dark, disturbing and worrisome to one chalked full of geekosity in this edition of.....



Back in the fall of 2002 Fox Broadcasting executives graced our TV sets with a brilliant Sci-Fi television show called "Firefly" from the mind of Sci-Fi / Horror genius, Joss Whedon ("Buffy", "Angel", "Toy Story"). The show meshed the genres of Sci-Fi, Western, Comedy and Action and had an incredible ensemble cast that worked well together. It became a fan favorite that was destined for greatness. But then some of those executives at Fox who had their heads placed where only the dingleberries dwell decided that it wasn't getting the immediate ratings boom that they expected and rather than waiting for the inevitable, huge fan base to really catch on, they got impacient and scrapped the show after only 10 episodes aired. I guess if the ignorant can get drivers' license on the streets here in my town, they can certainly become Fox Network executives.

In any case, the show was such a huge fan success that when the DVD's of the short lived series hit the shelves, they sold incredibly well. So well that movie execs took notice and gave the green light for Joss and company to make a movie based on the TV series with the original ensemble cast. The movie "Serenity" will be out late September. In the meantime, fans of the show have put together a wonderful resource for others to visit at the link above.



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