I sit here at my computer this morning as throngs and throngs of goofball ding-dongs who have gotten up hours upon hours ago descend and attack our local malls and stores, looking for that holiday bargain, knocking over and trampling whatever poor soul who happen to get in their way.
I'm here in my Vault of Geekdom, safe and sound from the obnoxious behavior and horrible parking conditions. And that's the way I intend on staying for the remainder of the day. In fact, I'll probably be spending much of the day continuing to tackle Fallout 3.
For those of you family members and friends of mine out there braving the craziness who are asking themselves that all important question, "What should I get Zangz's for X-Mas this year?" I've come up with some ideas and some plans that will help aid you in you quest.
Here's how this works. You can stick with one plan or the other. Work from the options which define your relationship with me (Family or Friends). I'm assuming my family members in the Houston area will send the usual box of X-Mas joy, so these plans don't fall under their jurisdiction and are not obligated to follow any of the plans brought forth here. However, my local family are.
One Family member - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on DVD.
One Family member - Hellboy II: The Golden Army on DVD.
One Family member - Batman: Dark Knight on DVD (releases December 9th!).
(no blue ray as I'm not set up for the overpriced drivel as of yet.)
All chip in and choose from the following....
Saints Row 2 for the Xbox 360
Fable II for the Xbox 360.
Best Buy Gift Certificates!!!
If you can think of something I'd like better than Best Buy Gift Certificates, or perhaps something more personal go for it.
I already know what I'm getting a few people. Others will take a little more effort.
That's it. Pretty simple, I think. I hope this assists you all. in your grand shopping endeavors. Shallow and void of what the holidays are supposed to be about? You betcha! Happy shopping.
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