First and foremost, THIS is cool as hell. Thanks to Mad Mario for sending me the link. Lovers of James Bond (and bunnies) will friggn' love it. More so the Bond fans will love it.
And, yes! I am trying to put the word Quantum in every blog title that I post this month.
Ya know, Halloween is over and Quantum has been released. There's not a hell of a lot to spew on about lately. I guess there's the coming holiday of Thanksgiving. That will go pretty smoothly as my Bro-In-Law's mother usually puts together a pretty big spread that his whole family and my family usually cram our faces with.
The whole shindig is pretty smooth. We get there, talk for a while. Before you know it dinner is served with lots and lots to eat. After we're done eating, the turkey buzz comes on and we're all beat. The party comes to an end at a decent hour and we're on our way home to play more Fallout 3 and watch more Torchwood on DVD. I meant to say, keep in mind all the things we're thankful for..... like Fallout 3 and Torchwood!!!!!
I have been really enjoying the Fallout 3 experience. Since I last rambled on about it, my character has gone looking for his father in the post apocalyptic waste lands of a future Washington, DC. He's gotten his ass handed to him in several combat situations. He's currently smack dab in the middle of downtown DC trying to gain access to one of the last working radio stations. However, he's getting a pretty bad beating from a large group of super mutants. Rumor has it, if I complete this quest, I will have access to a cache of weapons and ammo as a reward. That'll be pretty frellin' cool if I can actually survive. That's what the large game guide said, anyway. I ended up buying it at a local bookstore since the game is mega huge! The book is like 15 lbs., 25 " thick and cost me $25. That's how big this game is. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. I'm sure I'll spew out more drivel on this beauty in many blogs to come.
I'm also in the process of renting the second season of Torchwood, a British produced Sci-Fi series that is best described as X-Files run amok. I've seen a few episodes now and the second season is every bit as good as the first. If you're a genre fan, you really need to check this show out ASAP!. Eve Myles.... oddly, cute as hell!
What music have I been listening to lately? Glad you asked. Strangely, I've been in a real powermetal mood for the last few months. Bands like Dragonforce, Helloween, Nightwish and Yngwie Malmsteen have been blaring out of my computer speakers as I blog and surf the web. Maybe it's the old '80's metal head in me, but there's something about music that is booth powerful, and yet, melodic that really turns my crank.
Family and friends can keep their eyes peeled here for my X-Mas list to make shopping for Zangz far more easy and painless!
Well, I got nothin' else right now. So I'm hoping all readers of this blog (the 4.5 of you) have a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. And enjoy the turkey buzz!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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