My good friend, Mad Mario, rented the animated movie, Star Wars: the Clone Wars. I kind of avoided it when it came out this summer since I heard it licked dead monkey nards. Apparently, Mario actually liked this film. So in a rarity here at Zangz's blog of Geekdom, I thought I'd post Mad Mario's review of the movie he e-mailed everybody. We'll make it a kind of opening, special guest review to my upcoming headlining review of Quantum of Solace that is coming up this weekend.
So without further adieu, I revert the blog over to Mad Mario's train of thought. Take it away Mario!
Hi there,
Normally I don't do reviews but I wanted to pass on one person's opinion on the new Clone Wars DVD that came out today. Having the day off I thought I'd give it a whirl and I have to admit: I liked it.
It's obviously for a younger and more current generation but some of the visuals are indeed stunning. My particular favorites were the wall walk the side of a bluff to get to a temple where the little glob is being held as well as the night fight with Dooku on Tatooine.
It's fast paced and although the characters look like warped action figures from Japan; the plot is more thought out than I expected.
A few perks are voice work done by Christopher Lee, Anthony Daniels, and Samuel L. Jackson
Essentially the trailers never gave a reason for the story except some bad guys, guess who, kidnap Jabba's son. Indeed, you don't get the idea of really who was behind it all until near the end of the film.
Certain departures from traditional Star Wars movies are the verbal narration & explanation for the beginning of the film, no trailing yellow paragraphs to read, as well as a more middle eastern styled soundtrack.
If you look at it as animation(Star Wars meets PIXAR) it's kinda cool. The young Padawan kinda grows on you and the troopers are kick ass. I guess what you can't accomplish with wires and human actors you hang back with CGI.
So, RENT IT, first and see if it's worth the cash within today's economic grind. I think you might be surprised. Something to watch while you're doing the laundry or if you're itching to be dazzled by lot's of color.
Which explains why I was drawn to it. " Look honey color and movement!!!!" Poor Hope....
Keep in touch kids & May the Force be with you!
Mad Mario
In quicky other news, family and freinds should keep thier eyes on my blog as that's where I'll post my X-Mas list soon. I'll keep it pretty cheap with different options for people to choose from. After all the one and only good thing about the holidays is the gifts we get..... and I suppose give......sigh......whatever.
Next up, a personal review of the heavily awaited Quantum of Solace!
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