My co-worker, Mr. Salty, commented on how my first post after Halloween is always a bash on the X-Mas season and he was looking forward to me doing my annual anti-X-Mas post.
Actually, this year, we do have reason to celebrate as there is a day coming up when both children and adults can revel in pure happiness, where families can get together and remember what is truly important to them, a day where hope and joy will warm the harts of both young and old alike, a day where we can all celebrate and hold the hands of our fellow man and not feel shame or sadness about anything. It's a day where a great gift will bestowed upon the masses.
Oh.... wait a minute. You thought I was referring to X-Mas, didn't you? Awww... I'm so sorry for the mix up. I was actually talking about November the 14th, the day that Quantum of Solace is released. You actually thought I was talking about X-Mas? No, no, no. X-Mas is a big pile of yuppie lovin' greed filled pure crap! A holiday solely designed for the greedy and religious. Besides, it was originally celebrated as the winter solstice and then stolen and warped into something completley different. So I apologize for the miscommunication.
Yep! Bah-Humbug mode is activated to full tilt and will be until well after the new year.
Yep. I'm pretty stoked about the next James Bond outing that's one week away. I've heard mostly good things about it. It's a very excellent action movie. Daniel Craig kicks major ass in this one. Both of the Bond Girls are quite desirable. The only thing I worry for is the fact that they may taken a lot of the characterization and story telling out of this one that was so wonderful and prevalent in it's predecessor, Casino Royale. Either way, I'm going to really enjoy this one! I made plans to see this with Spanky and Coreboy on opening night long ago so you'll be getting a full review sometime next weekend. I'm sure Spanky will find a lot wrong with it as he seems to find a lot wrong with many a great motion picture (he still can't stop harping about THE greatest movie of 2008 so far, Dark Knight).
I'm still having loads of fun playing Fallout 3, the post apocalyptic video RPG. So far I've discovered a band of "vampires" living in the old subways of Washington, DC, gotten my ass handed to me on a silver platter by a bunch of nuked up zombies, found a small town filled with land mines (that handed me the same ass on the same silver platter), explored a survival vault filled with nutter survivors out to slice me to pieces and a whole town built out of the remnants of old airplanes, buses and automobiles. My character even has his own little rusty, two level home there. The game is quite challenging, which is good. It has a kind of survival horror feel to it as meds and ammo aren't as easy to come by as other RPG games. You really have to scavenge and conserve your swag. I'll let you know how it's going in latter posts.
Though this isn't much of a political blog, how can I not comment on the history that was made this past week? The current administration has been ousted. And they have only themselves to blame. A country that is allowed to vote for it's leaders will sooner or later wise up and speak its peace about a leadership that has done nothing but put this country right into the crapper.
I can't help but be a little teary eyed when I think that this country has progressed far enough to have an African American as their next president (it'll be cool! Just like "24"!).
I grew up in a conservative household. Outside of the cruelty of other children, it was a pretty darn good childhood. My parents raised me to be a decent citizen. I was never beaten or forced into some weird, ultra-right wing religion. So I can say that I had a very decent conservative childhood. But, as I grew up and saw the real world for what it was, I slowly started to lean to the left. Then when 911 hit, I started to come back to the conservative fold. Not a Jesus Freak, mind you, but someone who understood that there was true evil in this world, and if you turned your back on it, it could eat you alive. Then I became unemployed and before I got a new job I saw how the greed of corporate America took way too many liberties, had a vice hold on the current administration and how they utterly fracked up the economy of this nation. It was time for a change. I guess I'd consider myself a progressive, independent, moderate.
However, here's an analogy I'd like to use. There's this zoo (the world) and there's a monkey cage there (the U.S.) and they've just hired on a brand spankin' new monkey cage keeper. his name is Barak. It's Barak's first day and the guy who's training him takes him by the cage and gives him a small can of water, a container of Palmolive and a toothbrush. He then tells Barak, "You know, the last two monkey cage keepers fed these monkeys lots of chili, lots of dark beer and lots of laxatives as a diet. This lasted 16 years and they never cleaned the cage. These monkeys have shat everywhere! It's in every crevice of every tile and on every surface of every fake Styrofoam rock. And you now how much monkeys love to toss their poop! You have your toothbrush. Get started."
I do not envy Mr. Obama's challenges ahead. I I hope to god he can truly give us some hope and change that the last 2 administrations refused to do.
Zangz's Blog of Geekdom would like to congratulate President Elect Obama on his historic win!
You know, Gary Busey is ass-crackers crazy. And he's on TV right now in the greatest reality TV show to grace this earth, Celebrity Rehab. It's on right now, so I gotta go and check it out.
Until the next James Bond weekend, stay vertical!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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