...But I know what I like when I see it. And after sitting through the new Sci-Fi action thriller, Serenity (based on the short lived Fox TV show, Firefly) I can certainly say that I liked what I saw.
Keep in mind that I was a fan of the show which ran a few short years ago. Apparently, so did a whole bunch of fans who cried afoul when Fox unceremoniously gave it the ol' heave-ho due to ridiculous number crunching tactics of Fox's rating police. Fans bonded together to make sure that Firelfy would live on in some way, shape or form by starting more than a few fan sites all over the net. This brought on the attention of not only the series creator, Joss Whedon (of Buffy and Angel fame) but, also some movie execs who decided to put a film out that would continue the adventures of the crew of the freighter space ship Serenity.
So the movie came out today and I took the day off and went over to the theater to see this puppy. It's definitely a movie that Firefly fans will absolutely adore! It has all the action, humor and mystery of the show. It also has that slightly ampped up quality that movies get when the come from TV shows. It also has a very Han Solo feel to it. A bunch of rougue's gettin in over thier heads.
The not too distant future story follows the crew of a freighter space vessel (Serenity) who are carrying a doctor and his mysterious, telepathic sister. Of course the main totaliteristic intergalactic government are looking for her. Thus, interstellar madness ensues.
All the characters from the TV series are all present and accounted for, though some have far more screen time than others. (Highlight to read major spoiler)...
Some don't make it out alive which will make hard core fans drop their jaws!
There are also some major questions from the series that get answered in the movie. You find out River's little secret and you also learn more about those pesky freaks, the Ravers. Quite revealing and darn fine writing from Joss!!!
I only had two slight qualms with the movie (and they were ever so slight).
One: the main antagonist never really gets his come-uppence. There's no falling into a reactor shaft or being blown up on a ship or being impaled on sharp piece of scrap metal. The only thing he gets thrown at him at the end is... a threat. Yep. He's threatened that if he's ever seen by the captain of Serenity, Mal, ever again, he'll be killed. To which his reply is the equivalent to "Ok, I'm outta here and won't bug you again." WHAT?!?!?! C'mon Joss, give us a little carnage when it comes to the bad guy!
Two: I'm not sure how people not familiar with the TV series will accept Serenity. Though they do a good job acquainting the audience with all the characters and where they've come from and who they are, there could still be a feeling of "Now who is this person?" Especially in Anora's case (Ohhh Anora... my belicima....... sorry, lost myself again.) Though she was a main character in the series, she doesn't pop up until half way through the picture and then plays a major role.
I'm also afraid that this movie won't do great at the box office, because people who aren't familiar with the series will see it as just another fanboy, Sci-Fi film. It probably won't be given the chance it deserves from the public. Jerk-knockers!
Now where does this all leave the future of the Serenity / Firefly franchise? Well. there certainly are some finalities in the movie! However, it does end with some openings for more movies or shows. But, it could also put a "Fin" for the whole story also. Only time will tell. Hopefully, we'll see the crew of the Serenity in some new format sooner or later. It's just too good of story telling to lock up forever!
Well, that's my little review. In a nutshell, if you're a fan, you'll love it as I did. If you're not, you'll certainly enjoy it, but see it as a cute little Sci-Fi film.
P.S. All the women in this movie are certainly quite smooth on the ol' fan-boy peepers
Tomorrow is the official beginning of the Halloween season, October 1st! Watch for some changes here in the Blog of Geekdom.
P.P.S. No. I didn't do all that linking I usually do. Just go to past Blogs on Serenity and Firefly and click on those links there. I'm too darn lazy today!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
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