Just had to get online and do a bit of bloggin' to blow off a little steam. Witnessed a little situation tonight and had to do some venting about it. Call it pathetic or silly, but part of the phenomenon of blogging is the fact that it lets us get things off our chests in a public forum (so we can be laughed at by our friends and peers). So here we go....
I'm not going to go into great detail (yes I am, who am I kiddin'?), but I was out tonight and saw this young guy (early-mid 20's?) by himself smoking and drinking and shooting fireworks up at an elder care / assited living home. I was a ways away but close enough to see what was going on. This wasn't a bunch of little preteen brats playing games. This was an average looking guy in his 20's!
When a voice from within the elder care home coming from one of the balconies yelled at him to knock it off, he replied with a vulgarity and shot off another bottle rocket in the direction of the voice. He then got up and went inside the apartment building next door to the facility. Fine. I thought that was that. But, a minute of two later he comes back out and starts to shoot them off at the care facility again.
At this point I'm pretty disgusted with this pile of human waste material and call to him, "What are you doing that for?" Fire Cracker Boy replies to me with intellectual elequince, "Why not? Do you wanna get beat up?"
I leave shaking my head and I'm guessing Fire Cracker Boy went back into his apartment because I didn't hear any fireworks going off afterward.
Bullies are no stranger to me. There was a time when I was younger when I was a magnet for them. But, you'd think that at an adult age people wouldn't pull off acts of cruelty like that. I find it mind blowing that there's still adults out there that act in a sub-human maner. Sure, we all have our moments of snotty behavior (you should hear me when I'm driving). But, to be that cruel doesn't add up... unless, of course, you're just a complete waste of human life.
Is it any wonder that there are those of us that are actracted to the realms of fantasy, Sci-Fi and horror where "Fire Cracker Boy" and other bullies and villians of his ilk usually wind up being thrown down reactor shafts, blown to bits in their own volcanic lairs or becoming flesh fodder for some crazed psychopath wearing a hockey mask.
On that cheery and slightly disturbing note, I'll retire for the eveing (actually morning) and promise the next blog won't be quite as pathetic or lame (or whiney).
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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