Ya know, this blog is starting to look like an obits column! Sadly, we keep losing some great pop culture icons within the last few months.
It was reported today that last Friday actor Bob Denver, famous for portraying Gilligan on "Gilligan's Island" passed away from complications from cancer treatments. He died with his loved ones at his bedside.
Now, it might not mean much to a few of you reading this, but this guy was a fixture of my entire childhood. While growing up the local independent stations would show syndicated episodes of the '60's sit com. Of course I was watching it for Mary Ann and Ginger, but there was something about Gilligan that was quite endearing (Not THAT way, ya idjuts!!). As a small child, I looked up to him as the goofy big brother I never had. He was always trying to do the best he could, yet would find new and original ways to screw everything up.
Bob "Gilligan" Denver will be missed.
In other quickie, blog news, I forgot to mention that the free press paper that I do a column for is on temporary hold as fundage seems to be a bit of an obstacle. That's the way it works in the unsympathetic world of local free press rags. We are kind of looking into doing some sort of Podcast, but that technology is somewhat out of our reach at this juncture.
Yep. It was a quickly today, but thems the brakes. Ok, if you feel cheated, here's a bit of pop culture trivia you may never, ever use in your entire life, but you will be .05% smarter for knowing it. The character of Gilligan's first name was "Willie". Willy Gilligan. There you go. Chew on that for a while.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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