My sister sent me her review of the season premier of one of our favorite shows, LOST, that aired Wednesday night. I felt that her review was so darn good that it just had to be posted here for all to see. Just try and tell me that her review doesn't move you and makes you want to TIVO every frellin' episode of this season's LOST episodes. Are you all ready for one heck-a-roonie of a review. Ya better sit down for this, 'cause you'll never see the likes of this on Ain't -It-Cool-News or any other fan based websites. Ready? Here it comes! Take it away Dizzy Lizzie.....
"LOST was great."
And that's it. That's all she had to say about the premier episode of LOST. I'd like to take this time to thank my sister for the riveting review of one of the few things that we can actually bond on. My sister isn't the biggest fan of communication, but she means well. And as a big brother I have to admit that I'm quite proud of her and her achievements in life.
In related news, me and her husband plan to deck out their home for trick-or-treaters this Halloween. So, be on the lookout for news on that.
Actually the premier episode of LOST was indeed GREAT! Although, the ending had me saying, "Awww... c'mon! Like that could actually happen!", it also had me thinking about how much destiny actually does play in what goes on with the characters and the island they are stuck on. Very good writing, I tell you!
What else? Well, today's weather was very fall like. With good reason, too. It is the first full day of fall. The trees are already changing color and leaves are slowly starting to fall. My phyche is starting to get rejuvinized as it always does this time of year. And Halloween is right around the corner!
As I'm enjoying this season, here in the Midwest, my heart goes out to those in the gulf where, once again, the weather is a great concern. My dad is down there right now and when I talked to him yesterday morning and he was currently trapped in a huge traffic jam getting out of Houston. I just got news that he's safely in Austin and I'm greatly relieved. Just how much can Mother Nature be such a vile wench?
I think I'm gunna wrap it up here, for now. There's a cigar for me in tonight's plans, so I gotta go and get things started.
Have a great weekend, all.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
call yourself a lost fan?
ReplyDeleteyou never mentioned this. still laughing about it. read the WHOLE thing, even the Q and A
That's just sad. Heck, I can do that at home.
yeah, but you didn't think of doing it and charging $50 for it!