Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

A New Hope is Awakening!

Here we are at the annual "Halloween Is Awesome and Xmas Blows.  Halloween is Over With.  Boo Hoo!" post.  It has become a grand tradition on the blog to post a scathing, bah humbug fueled rant about missing the ultimately superior holiday of Halloween and bracing ourselves for the upcoming, cold, desolate, and exhausting holiday season.  It's enough to suck the life out of all of us.

But, fear not.  Off in the not quite as far as you might think distance there is a glimmer of hope.  If you look up in the stars you may just see it.  Bright, blue letters that read, A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...  Then a yellow worded crawl that starts out with the words, Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens.  And then a description of an incredible storyline will rise up amongst the stars and will read something like.....

Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens

It has been a perilous thirty years since the Battle of Endor.  The Rebel Alliance has broken apart and the Dark Side of the force is slowly rising.........etc., etc, etc.

Well, you get the picture.  I have pretty much pulled that out of my arse and really have no clue as to what the opening crawl will say.  But, with Disney/Lucasfilm FINALLY releasing the title of the 7th installment in the Star Wars saga, excitement and happiness has filled our geek loving hearts with crazy amounts of anticipation of next winter's big release.

Upon first hearing the title this past week, I was under the immediate immpression that it sounded a little generic.  But, upon further consideration, it is a good fit.  It harkens back to the titles of the originally trilogy while eschewing the titles of the prequels.  A-New-Hope.  The-Empire-Strikes-Back.  Return-of-the-Jedi.  The-Force-Awakens.  It's quick and to the point while at the same time painting a thematic picture of what may be going on in this film.  Outside of "Revenge of the Sith" the prequel titles had you scratching you head a bit with what was an obscure title until the films were released and we could find out what a Phantom Menace was.  Another way the new gang is differentiating the new title from the prequel titles is the fact that in the publicity logos for the title, there is no "Episode VII".  We know it will be referred to as Ep. VII in the crawl, but it looks like they will be harkening back to the original trilogy's titles, without the Episode.  The Empire Strikes Back was not called, Star Wars; Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back on the movie posters.

The title gives us the hint that after the events in Return of the Jedi that The Force and those that manipulated it, Jedi and Sith Lords, slinked back into obscurity and use of The Force once again became a thing of legend and old, forgotten religions.  There will be something, or someone,  that will start to scratch the surface of use of The Force bringing on a new awakening in those that are Force sensitive.

At least that's how I perceive it.

In more exciting news, we know that principal photography has commenced on the film, making it's release date inch ever so closer.  A year from right now will be an exciting time for us.  Can we hold out until then?  I can honestly say that I will not be able to do so.  I'm going to lose my collective geek mind and you can all come read about it right here.


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