Another week gone by, another 7 days of yearning for gaming, action figures.... and love. Pathetic? Perhaps. But, this wouldn't be called my Blog of Geekdom if there weren't some awkward moments of pure silliness. And this is the place for just that!
Though, not a heck of a lot has really taken place since my last entry, I'm sure there's something I can dink around with here in the Blog of Geekdom.
I know! I can talk about tomorrow's events. There's yet another birthday party that will be taking place. It will be for the ever-so-lovely Iris VonBeaverhousen. There's already been some plotting and planing and all sorts of behind the scenes Tom-foolery that Roberto, her ever faithful man-servant and husband, has been dealing with to get this puppy off the ground.
Today I went out and got her a few presents since she was the one who was the mastermind behind my James bond themed 40th Birthday festival. I know she never friggin' reads this thing, but I still wont divulge what I'm getting her.
A mini-manga Boba Fette toy and a Nintendo DS game.
Tomorrow, I'll be cramming a lot into one weekend day. First there will be the getting up late (about 8 AM - 9 AM). Then I'll shuffle off to the living room couch and turn on the TV while I lay there lazily contemplating if I should continue watching crappy Saturday morning TV (usually consisting of paid programming and news shows) or should I get off my lazy ass and pop in a movie. I have three of them rented for the weekend and have little to no time to watch them. Then I'll contemplate if I should watch the movie or pop in a session of Mass Effect on the ol' '360. This will take another hour or so as my waking mind is still glued to the paid programming and crappy Saturday morning TV.
Finally it will be noon and I'll decide on a movie. But, I'll also be hungry by then and will make my famous "Zangz's Saturday Afternoon Chili to Eat as I Watch My Saturday Afternoon Movies". Here's the recipe for those constitutionally gifted and adventurous. It's comprised of Hormel No Beans Chilli. Pour a little beer in there. Preferably a Bock or Lager, something with a bit of dark flavor. NOT a light domestic! Then we put in a dash of chili pepper. Then a dash of curry powder. Then a tad of Tabasco sauce. If you don't have that, any hot sauce will do. Then I shake in a good dose of shredded Parmesan cheese. Then its a squirt of Sweet Baby Rays Hickory brown Sugar BBQ Sauce. Now mix thoroughly. After mixing put on a secondary layer of Parmesan cheese. Do not mix this layer as it is going to be kind of the equivalent to the crust of sugar on Creme Bru Le. Except it's going to be a cheesy goodness that tops off a carcenergenic meat monstrosity. On top of the layer of Parmesan cheese you'll place slices of sharp cheddar cheese that will cover the entire circumference of the bowl. Put in micro on high for 2 minutes. Then take out and let settle for 2 minutes. If it doesn't try and bite you after that, it should be fine to consume. (Consult you doctor before digesting. Zangz's Saturday Afternoon Chili to Eat as I Watch My Saturday Afternoon Movies may cause one to spend their entire day clenching up their butt cheeks while in public. DO NOT taunt Zangz's Saturday Afternoon Chili to Eat as I Watch My Saturday Afternoon Movies as it may strike at you without warning.)
Then I'll sit back enjoy my chili and watch whatever movies I've rented. But, tomorrow, I'll only fit in one as I have to make a clandestine rondevue (that's French for secret meeting) to retrieve something for Iris's B-day function. That will take up a portion of the afternoon. And I'll have to figure out if I'm going to head straight to the party afterward or have time to do a little Mass Effect or another movie afterward.
Then I'll head out west to the party where food, drinks, and gaming will commence in grand celebration of the birth of Iris Vonbeaverhousen. God Bless Her!
I may crash at Roberto and Iris' establishment. But, I may high-tail it home afterward as I've been crashing at their establishment a bit too much each weekend this past month and their probably sick of washing the Zangz crust out of the sheets of the bed in the guest bedroom.
Sunday is reserved to paying taxes in hopes that my return comes quick enough to put into the nasty gas increase that G-Dubya and his Oil Barron croonies have planed for us as the summer hits. Cucking Funts!
On a bit of a sad note (yep, another) one of my favorite artists died this week. His name was Dave Stevens. He did a killer job on the comic that inspired the movie Rocketeer. He could draw up a Betty Page like nobody's bizznezz! He was also married, at one point, to one of my favorite scream queens, Brinke Stevens. Take a peek at some of his artwork HERE and bask in the glory of a real artist, rather than some turd who throws paint on a canvas and calls it art.
Anyway, I'm heading out of here and maybe getting a head start on the movies for this weekend. See's ya.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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