Since I don't have the BBC America channel that is included in the overpriced, uber-cable TV set up that the local cable company overcharges it's customers for, I didn't get to check out the wonderful little Dr. Who spin off that a lot of my fellow geek friends have been bantering about for a long time.
Finally I rented the first DVD of Torchwood out of my rental club and got my first look at the debut and second episode. Within the first 20 minutes I was frellin' hooked! The best way to describe it would be if you took The X-Files and melded it with Dr. Who. Then you took a dash of adult humor and content and a whole lot of excellent writing and characterization and you have Torchwood.
Set in a secret base under Britain's Millennium Centre there's a small secret society of investigators looking into intergalactic, paranormal and otherworldly phenomenon. This small band of detectives are led by the energetic, roughish and darn charming Capitan Jack Harkness. He's apparently an immortal who runs around in a cool military trench coat and has some great snappy repartee. He's played by actor John Barrowman who supposedly has family here in my home town and has actually been spotted here in the Brew City from time to time (though I could be horribly mistaken as I see that he's actually from Scotland)
Then you also have the naturally sexy-as-heck-girl-next-door-with-Betty-Page-hair-beauty, Gwen Cooper. She's the "newbie" who fell into Torchwood acting as their police liaison. She's the Alice Through the Looking Glass character that the viewers relate through while she experiences the new sites and situations that the Torchwood Institute has to offer (like a live tyradactile that flies around in the Torchwood underground base - WTF?!?!?!). Gwen is played by the wonderful Eve Myles who I developed a bit of a crush on after the first episode.
The outrageous creatures, aliens and oddities that the Torchwood gang come across seem secondary to the characters and good smart, adult writing. It's good to be living in a TV age where smart writing is being fused with genre TV (Battlestar Gallactica, Lost, Dr. Who, The Sara Conner Chronicle.... I'm not gunna Wiki link all of these. Google 'em yer damn selves). Sadly, there's a rumor amongst the Torchwood fan sites that the BBC plans to dumb down the show to get a wider range of viewers. This includes the ousting of lead character Capt. Jack (WTF?!?!?!) perhaps due to his omni sexual preferences, a highlight of the adult nature of the show.
So you better check this little gem of a show out before it goes all "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood" on us. The first season is available on DVD for rental or purchase. I believe the second season is being shown in England and BBC America. The third season has yet to be shot, but is rumored to be the season where they start messing with the characters and story lines so dumb people will like it as well.
I had a great Easter! Easter really isn't my bag when it comes to holidays, but my family ended up having a really good time. We started with an excellent brunch at a really nice, East Side cafe. I had an excellent Bloody Mary followed by a great Eggs Benedict dish that wasn't only tasty, it was affordable also. Then we all motored over to my sister and bro-in-law's house to walk their two dogs, Pipen and Frodo. Though, we had just had the worst snow storm of the year that Friday, the weather was nice enough for me and my bro-in-law to enjoy some beer and cigars out on the front porch. My first cigar of the spring/summer season was hurffed up with great enthusiasm and it actually puffed quite well despite the slightly cold weather and the fact that it was a bit dried out. I can't wait to hurf some more in the coming months!
We're still waiting on more tests to find out if my relative's health issue is something more serious. I don't want to slag the medical community because I know they do their very best, but for the money we pump into the medical community and health care, you'd think they could be a frack of a lot quicker with these things instead of the back and forth and waiting weeks for the next appointment /test! With medical bills as astronomical as they are due to corporate greed that has infiltrated the medical world, we should have had this all figured out and taken care of already. I don't think I'd be quite as critical if medical treatment was affordable. Until it is, I'll be quite skeptical.
I took a break from Mass Effect and Bioshock and went back into my catalog of games and started to play some more Crackdown. I've now incompletely beefed up my agent character to his most superosity. So jumping around town, destroying things and tossing thugs off of high rise buildings isn't anywhere near of a hassle as it used to be. Very Cool!
I'm also greatly anticipating this little ditty that's coming out the end of next month!
Well, I'm off to ejoy another Saturday afternoon with movies, Zangz's Killer Chili and a good long session of Mass Effect.
Let me leave you with this little spew of wisdom.... gap toothed chicks can be pretty friggin' sexy and cute as hell, also!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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