It's the second day of spring. The second FRIGGIN' day of spring!!! Did it start with birds chirping? No! How about a beautiful sunrise? Nope! Was it a semi-warm day? The kind that makes you anticipate what a great summer it will be? The kind of day that when you get home in the evening you can go outside and enjoy a beer and cigar. Oh, hell no!!!
The day was met with vertical flying snow that slowly, but surely, built up into several inches of heavy snow throughout the day. I left work a half an hour early, and it still took me 2 and 1/2 hours to get into my cozy apartment and have a beer in hand. The sad thing about it was that even though the roads were rough, it took me under an hour to get home. It was the shoveling myself into my own parking spot while getting myself out of two snow drifts that took up the majority of time. Finally by 6 PM I was in my apartment cold and soggy, yet enjoying a nice frosty, Friday evening brew.
"F" Mother Nature and "F" Al Gore! Lets see that bloated ding dong live through this winter in the upper Midwest and then see him whine about global warming (and I'm a moderate progressive)! Jeeze, I must be into full S.A.D. mode! Someone, get me one of those generic lamps! If it doesn't get spring-like in a short amount of time, I may just go nuts!!
On top of all of that my favorite Idol contestant was booted off the show by the majority of idiots that actually vote. I haven't even seen one full episode this season and know that the winner will be some generic, mindless turd that will be owned by the American Idol corporation and will find themselves in eternal enslavement 'till kingdom come. You might be thinking to yourselves, "But if you don't really watch the show, how can you pick a favorite singer, Zangz?"
It's because I'm a lonely, dirty old man-geek, OK! There! You've pulled it outta me! Are you all happy now!!!!!!!
Let's move on to some movie reviews I've been holding back on for a few months....
Star Trek: Nemesis - This wasn't exactally the movie that should have closed out the Next Generation chapter as it felt more like a 2 hour episode of the TV series rather than a full bloodied Star Trek motion picture. It deserved a hell of a lot more that what was given to it, both script-wise and production-wise. It was a nice effort, but the cast and fans deserved a frell of a lot more! And where the frack was Wil Wheaton, fercissakes? Frack you, you Wesley Crusher haters!
Doom - Have I reviewed this one yet? I rented it quite a while ago and thought that I might have done a review of it. If not, here goes. This is basically a marginally fun filled rental. If you went to the theaters to see it, consider yourselves about $5 out of luck. If you rented it you're only about $1 out of luck. If you got to see it for free, then you're pretty right on the money! Not quite up to par with what it could have been had it really been a full blown homage to the revolutionary video game, it was still a bit enjoyable. I love Karl Urban and Rosemund Pike in this movie. Even The Rock is ok. But, like most video game to movie screen films, it comes up short. It is VERY predictable. Could have been better, yet not a complete waste of time for us Sci-Fi video game geeks.
Hannibal Rising - Disturbingly good. It's not anywhere up to par with the original Silence of the Lambs. But, it is a very interesting introspective to where serial killer, Hannibal Lecter, got some of his traits. The film takes place during WWII and takes Hannibal from the the war that destroyed his family to his obsession with his hot Asian step mother as well as his obsession with revenge. I didn't think I would, but I actually enjoyed it. If you're a big fan of the Hannibal Lecter series of movie and/or books, it's worth a peek.
Sunshine - It was supposed to be the next generation's 2001, but it didn't quite make it to that level. The first half of the movie I really enjoyed the hell out of. The set up was great, characters were awesome and story seemed to flow well. However, it got a little convoluted toward the end. Rather than the characters dealing with an out of control computer, they have to deal with this quasi-ghostly entity that may or may not be what is left of the captain of a space ship that was formerly sent to help revamp the sun's power to save the earth. The current group of astronauts that are on a very similar mission (since the last one failed) have to thwart this wacky, blurry entity to reach their goal. It is never really revealed what happened to this omnipotent character and why he's so.... blurry. It's definitely a good watch , though. Not quite up to par with 2001, but a fun Sci-Fi watch still the same. Check it out!!!
Premonition - I love Sandra Bullock and feel that all of the performances of this movie are spot on, especially her's. However, If you're into unhappy endings that have a slight glimmer of hope, then this might be up your alley. I, myself, was hoping for something that was a bit of a paranormal thriller. It had hints of that, but in the end, didn't deliver. If you knew your lover was going to die and could travel back in time to stop it would you? Or would you be resigned to the fate that no matter what you did, your future with said loved one was frelled up the whazoo? That is what the move explores. OK rental, but if you like unhappy endings with slight glimmers of happiness, rent it. Otherwise stay the frack away! Sandy rocked the hizzhouse but.....
Zodiac - this could have been a real awesome thriller about the Zodiac Killer murders in the 70's, but it got a bit long in the tooth for me. It was done well and, again good acting chops throughout. But, it was till missing that feeling of real mystery, serial killer, thriller that it should have been.
The Last Mimzy - Not anything particularly out of this world, but when it comes to kids films that are inspired by the genres of Sci-Fi/Fantasy it blows the roof of of the funeral dirge that is known as Disney's The Bridge to Teribithia. Not a milestone in Sci-Fi, but a fun enough film for families!
Ok kids. that's enough for my saltiness and bitter attitude. Ive got a lot to do this weekend. More movies, more Mass Effect, bills to pay and more snow to shoveling to do (An Inconvenient Truth, my left nard! Howzabout An Inconvenient Parking Space That Takes You An Hour And A Half To Shovel Out Because Of The Massive Snow Storm That The Global Warming Has Not Gotten Rid Of? Why isn't Leonardo DiCaprio falling all over himself for that potential documentary?)
To attempt to end on a happy note. Above is a picture of the stamp a friend used to send in her annual tax return check. Enjoy!
All right. I'm outta here before I blow a gasket and go all hard core coronary, ballistic on ya all.
Zangz is outta the hizzhouse.
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