Yes, time has indeed passed and I'm way behind on posting some blogs. But, I did have to house / dog / cat sit for a week there, so cut me some frellin' slack, would ya.
The whole sitting experience went well. I only had to clean up poop twice (Mr. Pipin, you naughty, little bastage!). I'm done now and back to residing in my Vault of Geekdom and can now continue to plot ways as to spread the geek love all over this nation and realms beyond. One good way to do this brings me to my next subject.....
The whole sitting experience went well. I only had to clean up poop twice (Mr. Pipin, you naughty, little bastage!). I'm done now and back to residing in my Vault of Geekdom and can now continue to plot ways as to spread the geek love all over this nation and realms beyond. One good way to do this brings me to my next subject.....
A new podcast has been posted!! It was posted a good week ago, but it was posted, none the less. You can download it right the frack HERE!
This time I yammer on about the wonderful Elder Scrolls games.
Both myself and my podcast producer, Double "A"-Man (from AZCast.net), have decided to cut back a little on the podcasts. We have a good 15 under our belt and have been consistently posting them for a decent 8 months. So we decided instead of posting them every 2 weeks we're going to go to a monthly format. It's all about quality over quantity, folks. Now, don't go jumping off of bridges or anything. I'll make sure you all (well... the two of you) get a decent dosage of Zangz fix.
Stay tuned. I'm drumming up something special for the 30th anniversary of one of the greatest movies ever made!
I know it's quite early in the season to be talking about Haunted Attractions, but a couple of them went down in Orlando recently.
Skull Kingdom was a staple of haunted attractions for tourists visiting the Disney area for many years. Recently the owner decided to close it down and cash in on it. Instead of taking a $100,000 offer from a company to buy the facility, he decided to take it to auction, not piece by piece, mind you. One sum for the whole enchilada. Not a good move. He made $26k, way under the price originally offered to him. Rumor has it he absolutely lost his cool at the auction when he realized how he frelled himself and was outraged at the offer. He kicked everybody out of the Skull Kingdom facility and has refused to give the haunt to the company that bought it (the same company that made the original offer of $100k).
Sadly, once they get their hands on it, the people who bought the facility will tear it down and sell most of it off piece by piece and use what they keep for use at a water park. Thems the breaks, folks.
Since we're talking about dumbassed moves, Haunted Attractions and Orlando, I have some good news / bad news about the grandaddy of 'em all, Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion.
The good news: The fine people at Disney have decided to finally toss out some green and give the ol' manse a decent renovation to upgrade a lot of the effects, many of which were really starting to be dated and show their age.
The bad news: The rocket scientists at Disney have decided to achieve this masterful task by closing down the Haunted Mansion (one of their biggest draws during tourist season) during.... TOURIST SEASON!!!!! It will be shut down through all of spring and summer for, hopefully, a fall reopening. Now, wouldn't any person blessed with 1/4 of a brain realize that perhaps the late fall and winter months, when there's not quite the throng of paying customers, would have been a far better time to shut the facility down for the upgrade.
Why is it that every time a huge corporation does something good, they always have to frack something up to do so?
Anyway, another interesting tid-bit about some of the changes is that Disney is finally putting their own back story to the haunt. In years past fans had made up their own interpretation of the dark history of old Gracey Manor.
This weekend the big summer blockbusters get into gear as Spider-Man 3 hits theaters. I think I'm going to wait on this one a bit. Though, I liked the first two, I was never really into them. I've heard that this current one has a plot that is a bit of a mess.
I worried when I heard that they were going to have three villains and two girlfriends for Spidey to deal with. Too many characters can really ruin a good story. Just watch Batman Forever and Batman and Robin to see what I'm talking about.
There is one good reason to see this movie, though. Bruce Campbell has another one of his famous cameos. I've heard that this time it's funnier and longer than in the two previous movies.
Still haven't seen Hot Fuzz. I gotta check that one out also as their previous Shaun of the Dead was friggin' brilliant!
Why a 2nd Incredible Hulk movie? Why? Why?
My buddy Carlo's back from serving in the middle east, Yeehaa! I hope to have him on a podcast soon!
Things to look forward to this summer:
- Dad's coming home for a visit.
- My buddy Goof, his lovely wife Gayle and their 7 month old will be
coming home for a visit.
- Seeing Weird Al Yankovic at Summerfest with Goof and Gayle.
- Cook outs!
- Cigars!
- Beer!
It's fun as hell when you can pick up a burning body and throw it off the top of a 90 story building and then watch it plummet to the ground below. I always make the "falling to the death scream" under my breath when I do that (AAAAAAAaaaaarrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....thud).
Why are fans freaking out about the TV series, Lost, coming to an end in '09? The series creators have always said, from the get go, that the show will run about 4 to 5 seasons and come to its end. What has me all cheesed of is that it will not be back this coming fall, instead the next season won't start until early 2008. Grrrr....
This is all I have in me for now. But I'm sure I'll find more to bother you with at a latter date. See ya.
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